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You celebrated your to year anniversary with Sam a few months ago. There was a little romantic night with some champagne and a wonderful night. He's come a long way since you met him, helped him along the rough times. When you got together he needed a crutch and you provided more for him, he fell hard for you and you him. After a few dates he finally told you what was bothering him.

Months before you met he was traveling around with his brother. They hunted for a living and you didn't think it was real what they did. But sitting with him and holding his hand as he continued your heart went out to him. "Go on Sam, I'm here for you," you squeezed his hand. "After I heard the door close behind me it wouldn't open. I pounded it and yelled out to him. He said 'I'm okay Sammy' just before the scuffle happened. Then some shots were exchanged and I was looking for a way around. This house was secure but I was going to... I had to get to him. Once I made it around the corner I kicked out a window and made it in."

"Pulling out my gun I searched around one room then into another. I stared at the door that wouldn't open and looked at the damage. Then I saw the blood. There was so much of it and I prayed it wasn't Deans. Looking over to the wall there were loose boards with the sun shining through. Bloody hand prints and smears on the boards." He dropped his head, "that was the last time I saw my brother." You pulled him to your shoulder and he collapsed on you.

Smiling after Sam came back inside because he forgot the grocery list he kissed your forehead as he left again. After tiding up the place a little your phone rang. You never knew things would crash so hard when you answered the phone. "Y/N I know you've been married to my brother and I'm happy for you. You've gotten him to a better place and away from hunting. I can't go any longer without reaching out to you. Swear that you won't tell him." Staring at the ground you couldn't really put words together, "Dean... how... I mean... you're alive?" There is an awkward pause, "I needed to let you know I'm alive and keeping an eye out for you and Sammy." He hung up the phone and you sat there staring at it.

Not realizing you sat there the whole time letting what just happened absorb into your brain as Sam walked through the door. "I've got food, snacks and beer. Sorry they didn't have those little chocolate things you like so I got you some cookies instead." He comes around the corner to see you still in a trance. "What's wrong?" Snapping out of it you stand up and move the other way, "nothing. I'll help you put everything away." "Well whatever's eating you I hope you can tell me," he looks at you with very sympathetic eyes. "I know," you pat his chest and pick up the beer and taking it to the fridge.

Sleeping that night your mind wonders off to the time Dean was gone. You picture Sam in some dark motel room with clippings decorating the walls. Pieces of strings connecting things to places with his notes all around but he'd be passed out on the bed with empty bottles on every surface. Picturing the red puffy eyes from staring at a computer screen and tear streaks down his cheeks when he replays what happened. Those days he spent searching for his brother only to get nowhere.

He stumbles out of bed every morning and finding the smallest leads to check up on before it grows cold. Barely escaping with his life as monsters get a drop on him much easier than they used to. Missing his other half has made him slower, more vulnerable. He stumbles and the monster swoops in on this opportunity. Fangs out it lunges after drunken Sam who lazily defends himself. Then the vamps head is taken off while you see only a silhouette but there no mistake who it is. "Dean," you yell as you wake up.

Looking over you didn't know how Sam was still sleeping soundly. Sinking back into your pillow there was no way you were sleeping anymore. His voice haunted you and repeating, "don't tell Sammy," was a knife to your heart. Sam knew something was bothering you but how could you drop this on him? Picturing scenarios in your head and acting them out till the sunlight trickled through the window. It wasn't until Sam's hand brushed over your skin when you were truly awake.

These dreams happen night after night so much so you don't want to fall asleep. You lay there until Sam falls asleep then sneak out to the living room. Getting on your computer you look up everything then your set on one goal: to pick up where Sam left off. You knew Dean was alive but you didn't know where he was. He was watching over you so you knew he couldn't be far away. You think he's in town some place and make a list of places he'd stay at.

Over the next few days you'd come up with little excuses to get out. Crossing off names from your list and putting on a fake smile as you go back inside. Sam was on the computer and looked up as you came in, "why were you looking up motels?" Your face turned white, "I was doing some research." He shuts it, "what could you possibly be doivng to make you research local motels?" "It's for a story I'm writing. Still in the early stages." "Really," he stands, "what's it about?" "About a man who just wants to be left alone and finds refuge in a motel but its not where he should be." He crosses his arms, "sounds lame, want to try again?" He takes a step closer and you take in a breath.

Dropping your head and rubbing your temple, "okay Sam... I can't do this anymore. I've lost sleep over this." You look up at him, "I've been keeping something from you." Moving to the chair you sit and he takes the one across from you. "This isn't going to be easy to hear." He crosses his arms, "who is it?" You close your mouth stunned for a bit, "excuse me?" "Who is the man who takes my wife to a sleazy motel to-" You reach out and grab his hand, "NO SAM. I'm not having an affair." It seems this has a bit of relief because his shoulders slouch in the slightest.

"Sam... I know something. I got a call a while back from your brother." Shock then disbelief came across his face, "that... that can't be. See I've been looking for him for months, years and he just calls out of the blue? Where was I?" "You were at the store." Sam slipped his hand from yours, "you said this happened a while ago? Why did you wait till not to tell me?" You drop your hands in your lap, "I needed time." "Time? For what?" Reaching under the chair you pull out a large yellow envelope, "to get this in order." Handing him the envelope with tears welling up. He opens it and pulls out the papers inside, "is this... what I think it is?" A tear runs down your cheek, "Yes Sam. I want a divorce." He looks at you with hurt eyes and stares at you. "I know you'll never leave me but you belong with your brother out there, on the road. Not here playing house. I love you but you need the road." Taking a pen from the table next to you, "after you sign it I'll tell you where your brother is."

You extend the pen and he's still staring at you then slowly takes it from you. "What will you do?" Pressing your lips together to fight back more tears, "I'll live. I'll never get over you because you are a good man." After he signs on the line then tosses the papers on the table, "I'll never forget you." You stand up, "you bet your ass you won't." He stands up and grabs a few things throwing them into this old duffel. You meet him by the door, "he's at the little motel at the edge of town. He also says you've lost your touch because he's been around for two years and not once noticed his ride."

He lets out a little chuckle, "yea that sounds like him." He stares into your eyes, "thank you." He puts his hands on your shoulders and leans in. You rise up to connect your lips one last time, its sweet with a bit of fire. "Oh, before I forget," you go to the fridge and pull out a bag. "A pie," you hand him the bag, "now go to your brother and keep doing what you do best." He opened the door and swung his duffel over his shoulder. You watched him until he disappeared in the horizon. 

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