Running in the rain (really small)

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Missing your morning run you decide that even though its dark to strap on your shoes instead. Stretching a little before you grab your phone and hit the pavement. The night air tickles your lungs for the first few minutes. Putting one foot in front of the other you keep moving and concentrate on breathing. In these moments it seems all the worries you face and all the troubles that have popped up, melt away.

A few more minutes pass and you start to feel little sprinkles hit your skin. Instead of turning back you push on. Just starting to feel a good burn in your legs it starts to downpour. “Shit!” You run a little harder. The rain hitting you feels surprisingly good. Your hair now very drenched you wish you brought a hair bob with you. Squinting a little ahead of you the only light guiding you is the full moon.

“I thought I was the only one who liked being out in the rain.” His voice throws you off guard and you slow your pace and look to your side. You see a giant of a man with the kindest eyes looking back at you. You stop and nearly trip on your own feet. “Careful there,” he says making a circle back to you. The rain continues to fall on your face.

You breathe in and out, “so what brings you out tonight?” He smiles, “the rain of course.” You shrug your shoulders, “of course. Why not?” “Shall we continue?” He points up the road. You start to walk then hit his arm, “tag your it!” You sprint off while he gives chase. It’s difficult to hear how close he is because of the rain. Giving it all you have you run to stay ahead.

Then you feel pressure on your shoulder. “TAG!” You see him run past you and so far you cannot catch him. Looking at your wrist and seeing how early it is you really have to go back. You jog back home but can’t seem to lose this smile on your face. Running your hands through your hair to get it out of your face you think how peaceful that run was. You might like the idea of running when the sun goes down.


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