Chapter 1

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The driver came to a complete stop, "Mr. and Mrs. Armani request you both write an update of how things are going every week until the last day."

    The girls got out of the car and grabbed their bags, but before they got the chance to say bye, the driver started driving off. All of the staff at their house in Greenhill kept as little communication to the Armani children as possible. For the simple reason that they were scared of their parents, and they didn't want to say the wrong thing then get fired, which has happened many times in the past to previous workers.

   "Remind me why we had to come here again?" Victoria struggled pulling her 3 suitcases up to the check in table.

   "Because, Eric's dad just opened this camp up, we should support them. Plus we need a breath of fresh air." Emily walked to the back of the longline and set her bags down," It is important that we enjoy this place, mom said she would base her review on our weekly reports, and we want Mr. Rivero's camp to be a success."

   Victoria shrugged in agreement, and they continued to move up the line.

After a couple minutes, they finally reached the beginning of the line, "Woah, this place has a lot of business already, are you sure you need my mother's good word?" Emily expressed it sarcastically.

   "Well it wouldn't hurt," Mike laughed and scanned through his clipboard, "You girls will be staying into cabin 3." He pointed around," There's the showers, over there are the bathroom stalls, the mess hall is, you know what let Eric show you around."

  On other occasions Mike would graciously show the girls around, but in this particular case there were about 15 other people in line. Which this ended up being a total of 40 campers. Mike hoped that with Mrs. Armani's good word, the numbers would double and with enough luck triple.

  "Thank you Mr. Rivero," Emily grabbed her bags and headed to a cabin.

   "We are suppose to share this, shed with 8 other girls?" Victoria looked around the cabin in disgust.

A shed was an understatement, the cabin was actually pretty big considering it was a cabin.

It had 5 bunk beds, a chess board and table, plants, paintings, rugs, pretty homey if you think about it. It also had a bathroom which was okay in size. You could even smell the fresh paint and freshly mopped floor a mile away. One thing that drew Victoria's attention was a mini fridge, it wasn't that big, it actually could barely fit a 6 pack of Sprite. But to her it was something that ran off of electricity, which is what she was desperate for.

     Victoria threw a bag off of a bed and put her suitcases on top. She started to unpack some of her things when a beautiful blonde girl walked into the cabin.

  "I was actually going to take that bed," said this mysterious new girl.

   "Oh, I am sorry, it wasn't claimed or anything so I figured I could take it," Victoria continued unpacking despite the girl clearly wanting her bed back, "Plus this bed is right across from the window, and I really need the natural light."

    "Actually I did claim the bed, my bags were on it which you obviously moved, "the girl signaled towards her bag Victoria had tossed aside.

   Emily was embarrassed by Victoria's behavior. Victoria always put up a fight when she thought something wasn't right. Which in the beginning was great, but then she started taking advantage of things. Victoria was their parents' favorite, so their father tried teaching Victoria everything legal he knew, which really helped her out on the debate team.

    "I apologize, my sister is used to taking what she wants, and I can't promise that this won't happen again but we will try to avoid this inconvenience. I am Emily and I hope this first encounter won't cloud your judgement of us for the rest of the summer," Emily always tried to be a peacemaker, and first impressions were important to her, she just hoped that Victoria didn't ruin her chance at a new friend.

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