Chapter 10

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3 days later it was Christmas. Snow fell from the sky, and the whole town of Craydon was covered in lights. It was a magical time of year for everyone, but something still felt empty in the Armani House.

Lillian would be staring at a family picture that hung proudly on the wall. All she could think about was how her little girl wouldn't be there for Christmas. She hoped some kind of miracle would happen and Victoria would just walk through the door while they opened their gifts, but even she wasn't that delusional.

Jeff would walk up behind her placing his hands on her shoulders in a comforting way, and would lean slightly forward so she could see part of his face, "Today is a day filled with cheer, Lily."

She would continue to look blankly at the painting, and would just exhale at Jefferson's attempt to comfort her, "What if she never comes home."

As Jeff stood by Lillian, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and hope, "We have to believe she will, Lily. She's out there somewhere, and we'll find her. We just need to keep looking, but not today."

Lillian turned to face him, "What if she's in danger, Jeff? What if she needs us and we're here celebrating Christmas like everything's fine?"

Jeff tightened his grip on her shoulders, his voice firm. "We'll find her, Lily. We'll bring her home. But for now, let's try to enjoy this day with the rest of the family. Victoria would want us to be together, happy."

They shared a brief moment of silent understanding before exiting the room, to go open gifts.

At Eric's house, he helped Kate set the table
for the Christmas feast they were preparing for that evening. Kate smiled warmly at him, grateful for his help.

"Thank you, Eric. I really appreciate all your help today," Kate placed a hand on his shoulder, "Are you sure Jordan didn't want to come?"

Eric shrugged nonchalantly, avoiding Kate's gaze. "No, he's been... busy, plus his parents probably have something planned," he replied vaguely.

Kate looked at him with concern. "Regina said he's been struggling, he needs his friends now more than ever. Have you talked to him?"

Eric distracted himself with arranging the utensils, trying to evade the conversation. "I've tried, but he's just not himself lately."

Kate placed a comforting hand on Eric's arm. "Just keep an eye on him, okay? He needs you both right now."

A nod was all he could return, before trying to change the topic, "I'm going to go check on the ham," fleeing the room.

Regina was giving last-minute instructions to the maids when Jordan stumbled into the dining room. His eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like he hadn't slept in days.

Regina immediately noticed her son in that state, and she walked over to where he was standing, "Are you okay? We are eating soon, why aren't you dressed?"

Jordan turned his head away, his voice laced with frustration. "I'm fine."

Regina's expression of Christmas cheer would drop, and she would tilt her head slightly to the side, "You know you can talk to me Jordan, you're still my little boy."

"I don't need to talk, Mom. I just need to be left alone," he shook his head with a defensive tone.

Regina's smile faded, replaced by a look of concern. "Jordan, you can't keep shutting us out like this. I know you think otherwise, but your father is worried about you too."

"Can't you all see that I am fine? Look," He'd walk over to where some of the Christmas decorations covered the couch, and he'd pick up a Santa hat, putting it on, and then forcing a smile, "Fine."

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