Chapter 12

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The light of the police station flickered above as Emily's mother paced back and forth, Benjamin Correa stood with his arms folded, his mayoral composure cracking at the edges.

"Mrs. Armani," the officer began, trying to inject some calm into the situation, "I assure you, we're doing everything we can to-"

"Everything you can? My daughter spends a night in jail, and this is 'everything'?" she snapped, cutting him off. The air was thick with tension.

"Mom, it's not what you think," Emily tried to ease the situation, but her voice was silent compared to the wrath of everyone.

"Silence, Emily. We will discuss this at home," her father interjected.

The Correa and Armani parents continued to go back and forth until the department released them.

Meanwhile, Eric would look over at Charlotte on the couch, "Look, there's got to be someone who can take you in. A relative? A family friend?" Eric tilted his head.

She shook her head, allowing strands of hair to fall across her eyes. "There's no one. After... everything, I'm sort of the last one left."

"Maybe try to go to the camp this summer?" Eric suggested, but even as he said it, he knew it wasn't a solution. The camp held too many shadows and too many horrific memories.

"No, Eric. I can't go back there. Not after last summer," Charlotte confessed, wrapping her arms around herself.

"Okay, okay," Eric would nod, not wanting to pressure her or anything, "We'll figure something out. There's always a way."

"I hope you're right."

"Hey, my dad is good at this sort of thing. Maybe he knows someone or someplace," he offered.

"Eric, you've done enough for me already," she'd shake her head. He offered her a roof, which was way more than people have done for her in the past.

"Enough? No way. You're practically family now."

"Family, huh?" She let out a soft chuckle. That sense of security and support only grew, in the presence of Eric.

The car ride home for the Armani's was filled with tension, "Emily," her father finally breaking the silence, "we're disappointed. This behavior is unacceptable."

"Mom, Dad, I-" she started, but the words couldn't form.

"Save it, Emily," her mother cut in, "you could have ruined the whole family name with this stunt."

"Look, we know you're good friends with Jordan and Eric," her father continued, glancing at her through the rearview mirror, "but after what happened... We can't trust Jordan anymore. You need to stay away from him."

"Stay away?" that statement caused her to raise her voice, "he's my friend? I've known him since forever!"

"Exactly why it's hard for us too," her mother said, turning to face her, "but it's for your own good. And there will be consequences for this mess- you're grounded for a month, no phone, no car, no volleyball."

"Volleyball? Mom-"

"End of discussion, Emily."

Across town, the atmosphere inside the Correa household was just as tense. Jordan stood in the grand living room while his parents stared at him, debating what to do.

"Jordan what you've done is inexcusable. We've tried to give you space, but enough is enough," he would signal towards a brochure.

Jordan would walk over to the end table, picking up the brochure, only glancing at the cover, "Boarding school?" He would chuckle in disbelief, before looking up at them.

"Only if you don't turn things around," Regina added, heavily expressing her businesslike tone. "We love you, Jordan, but we can't watch you spiral any further."

"Apologize to Emily," his dad instructed. "Make amends with your friends. Show us you can change."

"Apologies won't fix anything," he would narrow his eyes at them, but even as he said it, he knew he had no choice. He was he child of a mayor and a business woman, when they set down a rule, they stuck to it.

Eric stood near the window, peeking out through the curtains, at the quiet street, "Camp last summer," he glanced over at her, "I can't shake this feeling that my real dad might still be out there."

"Eric," Charlotte's voice was soft, "You said your dad made sure the EMTs labeled him deceased."

"Sure doesn't mean certain." He ran a hand through his hair and would look back out the window, "Whenever I hear about some crime in the news or a strange noise at night, I think, what if it's him?"

"Hey," she'd stand up, approaching him, "you were there for me, so I'm going to be there for you. We will find out for sure if he's dead, I promise."

All he could do was nod and give a faint smile in response.

As nightfall came, seeing as her window was half open, Jordan saw that as an invitation and climbed the rest of the way into her bedroom. "Emily," he whispered, looking around the room.

The room was immediately illuminated, "Jordan? What are you doing here?" Her whisper was harsh.

"I came to apologize," Jordan replied, moving closer.

"Apologize?" Emily folded her arms as she shook her head. "I can't keep doing this, Jordan. Not while you're drinking."

"Look, I'm trying to change," Jordan insisted, desperation creeping into his voice, not wanting to lose one of the only friends who has always been there for him, "I know I've messed up, but—"

"Trying isn't good enough. We nearly died, and I got arrested" Emily came to terms that letting him down nicely wouldn't work on him, and her body stiffened as she realized she would have to say something to him she never could've imagined, "I don't want your mistakes dragging down my reputation."

"Your reputation?" He'd furrow his brows as he looked over at her with betrayal building up in the back of his mind, "Is that all our friendship is to you?"

"It's not just about friendship Jordan, It's my life. And I have to protect it- even from you." she'd cross her arms, still remaining stiff. She was worried that if she moved an inch, a tear would fall.

"Please, Em," Jordan reached for her arm, only to have her step back.

"Goodbye, Jordan. Get help. For yourself, not for me." With those final words, Emily turned away, and turned out the light, walking back into her bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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