Part 2 Chapter 7

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"It's been 2 weeks since the disappearance of Victoria Armani of Northside Craydon, locals are still shaken up to see someone as beloved as her go missing, or as the police department declares ran away. She was-" the tv would be playing.

Violet clicked off the tv, then setting the remote down and would walk over to the fridge. "Are you still driving me to school today?"

Emily would be leaning over the counter eating her cereal, "Sure but do you really trust me with a car?"

She'd look over at her while pouring her cereal in a bowl, "No not really, but it's either that or start the year off with an absence, hey I had 137 last year."

Her eyes would widen and would just hold her spoon near her mouth, "What? How?"

"It Counts by classes not days," she would reach around her to grab the jug of milk and would lean against the counter by the fridge.

"An absence is an absence" Lillian would walk in, not paying much attention to the actual conversation while she was scrambling through drawers and under magazines.

Emily would set her spoon down and would look beside her holding up the car keys, "Keys."

Lillian's face would brighten up as she grabbed them, then would start looking around again, mumbling words.

"Notebook." Violet would sigh, setting her bowl down to hold up the notebook.

She'd sigh in relief and would grab it, stepping back to look at them, "What would I do without the two of you."

"Better yet what would we do without them," Jefferson would walk in, leaning one hand on the counter the other around her waist and would smile at her.

"And I'm no longer hungry," Emily would drop her spoon in the bowl, taking it over to the sink.

He would look at them smiling, then back at Lillian, "Go save lives."

"Go ruin them," She would give him a quick peck on the lips, then would smile, going out the door.

"Nope, done." Violet would take her bowl over to the sink as well, pouring the rest of the cereal down the garbage disposal.

Emily would just shake her head trying to get the image of her parents kissing out of her head, "I'm going to Eric's tonight."

Jefferson would be grabbing his papers from around the kitchen and would pause to look up at her, "Be back by twelve."

Emily would give a small nod in agreement and would grab her keys, holding them up as she smiled, "Let's go," then walking out the door.

The last few weeks were centered around the Armani's trying to push Victoria's But disappearance aside. Lilian avoided the realization by making work her second home, taking as many shifts as she could before being sent home. Jefferson drowned himself in his paperwork, and when he didn't he would read in his office. Emily partied the majority of the time, using her friends as an escape from reality. However Violet's way of coping was unknown. Considering her being Victoria's twin, many waited for the moment she would breakdown and cry, but that moment was yet to come.

Eric would wait for her to finish putting her things in her locker, and then would start walking down the halls, "Are you gonna be a cheerleader this year? Sophmore year is never to late to try out."

"Don't even start," Emily and Eric always would make fun of cheerleaders when they were younger. She never had anything personal against cheerleading, she just thought doing it would be a betrayal to five year old Emily, "I am gonna try to get on Varsity Volleyball though."

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