Chapter 4

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It was only a couple days after Violet Armani's arrival and she was already making a mark on the camp. Emily and Jordan were working together to find out what actually happened to Victoria, and Eric and the rest of the group continued to work on Emily's kidnapper.

"We know whoever took you has to be involved in Vic's death." Jordan would be sitting down on a rock writing things down.

"Yes but I heard Vic's scream not to long after I got kidnapped, he couldn't have possibly got to me that fast." Emily would take his notebook writing stuff down.

He would straighten up on the rock, looking at her, "Do you think it could be more than one person?"

"Maybe, but what would be the motive, they killed Vic and kidnapped me, is Vi next?"

He'd laugh a bit, "Maybe your parents richness got them in trouble"

She'd roll her eyes and would hit him lightly with the notebook, laughing a bit, "Jordan! This is serious"

He would throw his hands up in defense, "Just trying to lighten the mood while you go into your Nancy Drew era."

Shed just look at him laughing a bit.

Back at the camp everyone was practicing archery and Eric would walk over to the group looking at Violet, "Who on Earth trusted Vi with a bow and Arrow."

"Your Dad." She would smile a bit, releasing the bowstring watching the arrow hit the bullseye.

He would tilt his head a bit, then nodding and would look at the arrow. "Okay."

Ashley would look over at them laughing a bit, "I like her."

"Shut up," he would pick up the bow and arrow positioning it.

Jason would walk up to Ashley resting his hand on the table, "Ash can we talk."

"I have a weapon right now do you really think it's smart to be near me right now?" She would keep focussing on the target, and angling her bow, not even looking at him.

"Please just give me ten minutes." He'd lean into the table more pleading.

She would release the bow string waiting till it hit the target then would lower the bow to look at him, "Five"

"Five, okay sure, I'll take anything," he would nod and would start walking away from everyone else.

She would follow, putting her hands on her hips while she waited for him to talk.

"Im sorry." He would look away from her, not being able to look her in the face.

"You're sorry? Jason if that's all you came here to say then don't bother." She would shake her head, starting to walk back towards the group.

He would grab her arm, "Ashley please you have to understand I was scared."

She would glare at his hand on her arm and would look up at him, "Yeah well I was scared too, I needed you and you ran."

"I messed up, I know that, but you have to know that I loved you, I love you." He would loosen his grip.

Her posture would shift and her facial expression would soften, "I know."

Emily would walk up the elevation of the path, which created a small cliff to the part of the path Jordan was on,  "Now if the killer really wanted me dead he would push me off of a cliff or something."

"Jump I'll catch you." He would put his hands to his side stepping back a bit to look up at her.

"Will you really?" She would look over the edge to see how far of a jump it really was.


She would roll her eyes and would start laughing, then going to sit on the edge of the small cliff.

He would lean against the cliff looking up at her, "Remember that time you jumped off a chair when we were 5."

"Hey I had just watched Tinker Bell, I thought I could fly." She would laugh a bit while taking a water bottle out of the bag and tossing it to him.

He would catch it, having a confused look on his face, "Yeah and how did that turn out for you?"

"At least I got a popsicle at the hospital." She would smile while nodding proudly.

"Yes Emmy you broke your arm for a popsicle."

"And a pink cast!" She added.

He would roll his eyes, leaning off of the cliff, "We should head back now."

She would stand up, nodding.

Mr. Rivero was in his office talking to William Hansley, "I don't want any of this to surface in Greenhill, as far as everyone knows Victoria ran away."

"And her parents, you think they are going to just believe that their daughter ran away?" William would lean, resting his arms on the desk.

"I've know that girl since she was born, her family pressured her to be the very best, it would make sense she ran away to get away from all of the pressure and high expectations."

"So you would rather have a runaway missing teen search go on for decades, than to just admit she died and give her family the closure."

"If we say she died then that will open up an entire investigation, and would destroy the camp's reputation completely, who's side are you on?" He would look at him raising a brow.

He'd throw his hands up in defense, leaning back into the chair, "As long as I get my money Mike."

"You are going to get your money." He would respond quickly.

"Then we have nothing to worry about," he'd stand up.

"I want you and your men to tie up any loose ends involved in Victoria Armani's death, if it ever surfaces that she is dead I want it to seem as close to an accident as possible, and the least involvement with the camp would be preferred." He would stand up as well straightening his posture.

He would offer a handshake, "It's a pleasure doing business with you."

He would do a light nod in agreement, shaking his hand.

The next few weeks consisted of Emily and Jordan continuing to think up crazy motives and potential killers. Ashley and Jason decided to give their relationship another chance, even though Ashley brought up his cowardliness from time to time. Eric decided to work on kidnapping less and less, since they were getting almost no where. For the most part everyone was just trying to enjoy themselves and ignore the rocky start.

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