Chapter 5

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4 weeks later

Emily would walk over to the table setting down binders and notebooks sitting down, "So! The last owners of this camp put in the underground hangout room, Eric's dad knows nothing about it so we can go there tonight."

Charlotte would feel bad and would look at Eric for a response.

"We are going to the lake instead." He would have a guilty look on his face as well.

"What? Since when was the lake an option?" She would shake her head confused.

"We figured you have been through enough this Summer so we wanted to take the load off and plan it." He would nod a bit.

Jordan would stop playing with a random stick in his hands and would look at them invested in the drama.

She would point to him, "Was this your idea too?"

He would throw up his hands in defense, "I'm just an observer"

Ashley would roll her eyes looking at him then back at Emily, "Jordan is bringing the beer and Charlotte is inviting people."

Emily would tilt her head, "What you guys aren't planning any games or activities?"

"Oh no Em Don't worry we are playing duck duck goose, freeze dance, freeze tag," Eric would list them on his fingers laughing a bit.

Jordan would jump into the conversation and would point to Eric, "Musical Chairs!"

He would point back at him nodding in agreement.

"Yeah okay shut up," shed roll her eyes and would then look at Violet, "are you going too?"

Violet would uncross her arms going to sit down beside her, "Me? No, I personally like the whole mysterious underground room," she would nod reassuring her.

"Yeah so you two do that, Im going on a beer run," he'd stand up he would point with both fingers backing up a bit, "If anyone asks I am Mason Rivers, 23, and a natural blonde." He would laugh a bit then would walk off.

A couple hours later Emily and Violet walked over to the area the underground bunker was.

Emily would open the doors and would climb down the ladder pulling a string to turn on the light.

"Woah, remember when we use to sneak in Ms. Ames bunker." Violet would walk around looking at all of the arcade games.

She would laugh a bit as she looked at everything, "Mom and Dad never found out, remember when she came down there with a gun," shed look back at her.

She would laugh too, nodding and looking at some stuff around the bunker.

At the lake everyone was partying, drinking beer and having fun.

Charlotte would sit on a rock and would take one last sip out of her cup before setting it down, "Do you think we should've got Emily to come here."

Eric would laugh a little while shaking his head, "No she's stubborn, what do you expect to do kidnap her?"

"Well," Jordan would then chug the rest of his cup.

Eric would look at him then at Charlotte, "Emily and Violet need to spend some time together, it was always Emily and Vic."

Jordan would then hold the empty cup in his hand, "Yeah, Vi was always in and out of boarding school or those wilderness camps, so she never really got the chance to bond."

Charlotte would just look at them, not really expecting this conversation, "Oh."

Back in the bunker Emily and Violet were playing games.

"Uno!" Violet said it right away.

"Yeah not for long." Emily would put down a wild holding one of her fingers on it while she thought.

"I wonder what color I have." Violet would wave her card around still facing her.

"The color is, red," she'd take her finger off of the card and would straighten her posture.

"Oh well then it's a good thing I have this, uno out." She would put down a wild card and would smile at her.

Emily would scoff, laughing at how many cards she still had, "I think you cheated."

"Aw Emmy just admit you lost, now when we get home you have to let me use your car when I need it."

She would raise a brow having a surprised look on her face, "Oh you were serious about that."

"Yep!" She would smile at her while picking all of the cards up to put them back in the box.

"Where the hell is Jason he's suppose to help with clean up." Eric would look around then at Ashley.

Ashley would roll her eyes, "He probably chickened out, but I'm about to go back to the cabin do you guys got this?" She would look at all three of them.

Jordan would put up his hands in defense, "Don't look at me I have to go get rid of all these beer cans before Eric's dad shows up." He would be putting some in a box and would leave.

"Great everyone wanted this party and now they aren't helping clean up." Eric would sigh going to sit down on a rock.

Ashley would look at Charlotte whispering, "Sorry," she'd then pick up some of her things and would head back to the cabin.

Eric would then stand up picking up some of the trash, "So your family, what part of Greenhill do they stay in?"

She would pick some things up as well, "Southside, they only took me in so they could claim the money they give foster families"

"Oh, Im sorry." He would slow down his movements, now feeling bad.

"Don't be, Ive gotten use to it by now, some families I've been with actually cared about me, but the majority just wanted the money or-" she would be interrupted by Jason coming out of the woods.

Jason would come out of the woods struggling to talk, "Ash-"

Eric would stand up, seeing him, "Jason?"

Before he could even get close to them he would fall to his knees, a knife being visible in his back.

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