Chapter 6

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Eric ran over to Jason without any hesitation, "Jason!" He yelled.

Charlotte just stood there in shock, slowly covering her mouth to stop herself from crying or screaming, she would then run over as well.

Eric would hold him steady so he wouldn't fall back, pulling the knife out of his back. Blood gushed through the wound, and Jason coughed up blood as he tried uttering words.

Charlotte would just stand there watching, still covering her mouth as she looked off towards the water. "Eric."

He would continue holding his hand over Jason's wound to apply pressure, then would look up at Charlotte, following her gaze to a moving canoe in the water.

"Do you think that could be-" Charlotte would cut her own sentence short, not really wanted to say the word killer, since that adds truth to the whole situation and everything Jordan and Emily had said.

Eric would look up at her then back at Jason, he didn't need to give her a verbal response or explanation, they both knew how things were going to turn out with Jason, and what they were going to have to do. Eric lowered Jason to the ground, not being able to even look him in the eyes. Eric would then begin to raise up off the ground.

Jason would notice him about the leave with the little consciousness he had left. He would barely be able to grab his hand before he stood up, and would struggle to speak, "Don't-"

Charlotte would look at Eric, and Eric looked at her, they both knew the outcome. Eric would loosen Jason's grip on his hand and would stand up looking at Charlotte and nodding before walking off. It was hard for him to turn his back on Jason, but a part of him knew that letting him die was the best thing he could do for him.

Charlotte would look back at Jason with sorrowful eyes, then would follow.

Emily would be at the showers, which were completely desolate aside from the presence of the running water.  The silence as she washed the conditioner out of her naturally defined curls opened up a variety of thoughts swarming her head. She was still grieving her sister, and trying to piece together what happened with her kidnapping. It only led her to wonder what would happen when they go back to Greenhill. What was she going to tell her parents when they didn't even have a cause a death?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a text notification on her phone. As she peaked around the shower stall towards her phone on the bench, she found a easier solution to straining her vision and would turn off the water. She then wrapped a towel around herself, walking over to her phone as she scrunched up her hair to define the curls more. When she reached her phone she found that Charlotte sent had sent her a location, with no further texts. She'd tilt her head in confusion, then would head back to the cabin to get changed before going to the location.

Eric and Charlotte would watch the killer tie up his canoe and walk into the cave from a distance, as they contemplated what to do.

"Okay so we go in, and we try talking to him," Eric would nod a bit even though he knew that plan was dumb, and he would just keep looking towards the opening of the cave as he thought.

Charlotte would look at him like he was dumb, "Hey how was your day, weathers nice, hey that's a pretty nice knife!" She would move her head around as she talked, hoping he would realize how dumb he sounded.

"Or we could jump him," he would just tilt his a bit, genuinely considering it.

"Nevermind I think small talk is a great option."

"Come on," he would raise up from his crouching position and would signal for her to follow.

"Eric!" She would whisper at him, then would follow.

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