Chapter 2

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"Emily! Victoria!" Eric called out walking through the woods.

    "Eric you are going to far, we need to stay in a group" Mike pushed sometree branches out of his face trying to catch up with Eric.

    Eric ignored his father and continued walking. He then spotted a few droplets of blood on the ground and would follow them. He looked up to see Victoria over by a tree with her stomach ripped up, unable to tell if it was from a knife, or an animal's teeth. His eyes wide and he was frozen in shock and fear. Mike, Charlotte and Jordancaught up with him and had the same reaction to her corpse.

    When they get back to the camp Mike and Eric went straight to his office.

"Ihave connections I can have them get rid of the body and then we could say she went missing. No that would be to suspicious." Mike would pace back and forth in his office.

    "Are you seriously going to just cover it up? This is Emily's sister, an innocent girl." Eric  would be sitting down and would just stare athis father.

    "If we say it was an animal attack people wouldn't want to come next year, it would completely ruin the camp's reputation." He would go over to his desk pulling out files.

    "That's what you are worried about, the camp's reputation? A teenage girl just died, which could be a murder-"

    "It wasn't a murder." He had a stern voice and just slammed his hand down on the desk.

    "We don't know that, you saw the body!" he rose from his seat raising his voice.

    "Are you going to be a problem?" He'd raise his voice as well and would point to him.

    "Fine, but when we find her I can't promise I will lie to Emily about what happened to her sister." He would sigh turning around about to head out the door.

    "If we find her," correcting him.

    He had his hand on the door handle before pausing, "We will," then going out the door.

    On his way out of the cabin Jordan ran up to him, "What did your dad say?"

    Eric looked at him, "We are covering it up," then continued walking.

    "What? Come on you know that's fucked up, you think Em is just gonna go along with you two covering up her sister's death?" Jordan followed him.

    "That's why we aren't telling her the truth." He then walked up to the rest of the group, "Hey."

    "Okay so last night I did see a cave, and today I saw it again when we found Vic, so lets go" Charlotte zipped up her backpack putting it on.

    "Yeah I saw that same one, how about we follow me because last time you lead someone somewhere Emily went missing." Ashley pointed to herself looking at everyone to see if they agreed.
    They all nodded and started following Ashley.

    "Are you guys going to look for Emily and Victoria?" Jason ran catching up to them.

    "Uh yeah." Eric answered.

    "I want to help, can I come with?" Jason put his backpack on.

    "I don't know-." Eric answered before being cut off.

    "Of course you can!" Ashley answered quickly having a big friendly smile on her face. Everyone looked to her confused, but since she was leading they didn't say anything.

    "Thanks!" Jason started following them as they kept walking.

    In the woods Jordan stood there for a second waiting for Eric to catchup to him, "You were joking about lying to Em right?" he tilted his head while they walked, as he was invested in the conversation.

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