Chapter 3

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For over 2 weeks Emily stayed in her cabin, within a day her whole view of life was changed.  Her sister died a gruesome death and she had been kidnapped. Never in a million years did she expect something like that to happen to her and her family, at a Summer camp especially.

She wanted nothing more than to find her kidnapper, and potentially her sister's killer. For days even the thought was tiring. She barely got up to even go to the bathroom, let alone be continuously questioned by the camp director.  However, despite her obvious fragile state, she wanted to do everything she could to help. In her mind if she did nothing but lay down and grieve, it would just allow more time for her kidnapper to do the same to other people.

She then walked out of her cabin towards the group, "I want to know what happened to my sister, and I want to help."

"Are you doing okay?" Charlotte stopped taking notes to focus on her.

"Im fine." Emily went and sat by her.

"Are you?" Jordan had his arms crossed and would tilt his head some.

"Yes," she kept her response short because she wasn't even sure, "now where are we at with this?"

"We are ruling Vic's death as an accident, we are working on your kidnapping but we have no leads other than the cave" Eric looked down at Charlotte's notepad.

Emily scoffed shaking her head some, "An accident, yeah okay."

"Do you remember anything from that night? Do you remember seeing anything?" Eric changed the subject not wanting to start something.

"All I remember is that I was looking for Charlotte, and then something grabbed me and it all just went black," Emily looked away thinking.

"That's all?" Charlotte had began writing things down but gave up after hearing how little she remembered.

Emily nodded, "Actually you know what, I don't remember anything from that night anyway, and Victoria's death is apparently an 'accident', so I am no longer needed," she nodded again thinking a second then would walk back to her cabin.

"Em-" Eric paused realizing there was no point  in trying to get her to come back.

A while later after going through multiple insane theories of what happened, they finally made a plan.

"Me and Eric are going to go walk around the area me and Em were at when she went missing, also around the area we found Vic's body." Charlotte put her notepad in her backpack rising up.

"Don't stay out to late, no need to repeat last weeks events" Ashley rose up too.

"Yeah I think I learned my lesson not to go out in the creepy ass woods at night," Charlotte smiled sarcastically nodding a bit.

"Sure you don't need us to come with?" Jordan looked at Eric who was putting stuff in his backpack.

"We're good," Eric shrugged walking over to Charlotte, "You ready?"

She nodded and they headed off into the woods.

As they were moving branches out of their face and avoiding falling into holes, Eric tried striking up a conversation, "You know, Ashley talks about her family nonstop, and obviously I know about Emily and Jordan's but you never mentioned yours before?"

Charlotte inhaled moving a branch out of her face, "Well uh, parents died when I was four, I have been jumping from foster home to foster home, so I came here to get away from it all, and yeah."

His face softened a bit as his curious smile faded, "Oh."

She looked over noticing his reaction, "But it's no big deal, I kinda got use to it now, but what about you, Mr. Rivero's your dad, what about your mom?"

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