Bloody heart

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Back at her chamber, Ardella was telling Luciana her father's plan to marry her off to the Starks. With Stannis's excellence in navial battle, Ardella had to seriously consider that her father might actually achieve what he wants which makes her betrothal a real possibility.

"I heard the young wolf is a dashing man with a handsome face. It is lucky that your father did not suggest someone hard to look at." Luciana said after laughing wholeheartedly. But her reaction wasn't
appreciated by her lady who felt disappointed and betrayed by Stannis's plan for her.

While unbraiding her long Baratheon dark hair, Ardella sighed and revealed her true reason of discontent, "I thought he truly saw me as his heir." Luciana caught the sadness in Ardella's
voice even though the princess tried hard to conceal it.

It reminded the young maiden how her lady is used to hide her inner struggles when they were nothing but a children of young age. Luciana witnessed the bruises on young Ardella when she returns from the queen's summons once in a while. Even then, the princess would just go back to reading as if nothing happened and only address her after days of silence. It was then that Luciana started to admire her lady's resilience and maturity. But now that the two grew closer, she felt more relieved to hear Ardella's inner struggles rather than seeing her lock herself up again.

"You have read to me that King Viserys Targaryen once named a female heir. I remember that the king loved his daughter above his sons and wanted her to succeed him. Even then, he counseled the princess to marry to strengthen her claim. Your father could've meant the same thing." Luciana recalled the history book Ardella used to read it to her.

The Baratheon princess scoffs but she couldn't help but to feel touched that the young maiden was paying a serious attention to her readings rather than simply humoring her. "I highly doubt that."

"Well, let's say that is true. But do you recall how that princess's story ends?" Ardella asked which made Luciana's eyes go narrow as she tries hard to remember it.

A moment passed and the realization came across the foreign girl's face, "But your father doesn't have sons to weaken your claim once you are named his heir."

"Yes, for now."

"Truth be told, Luciana. There was never a queen on the iron throne. Yes, there were some instances throughout the history that came close to it but it never happened for a reason." Ardella sat down on her bed and continued, " I don't know if I will be an exception and frankly, I am not sure I can figure out a right path to make it happen."

The handmaiden nodded but had nothing to say. For the first time ever, she saw the heavy burden that fell on her lady and it was heavier than she expected. Paving a new path is no easy feat and Luciana could only silently hope that her princess may find comrades that could share her worries. Because she knows how Ardella is used to suffer alone and to Luciana that is the most painful thing.


Time has come for the Baratheon fleet to claim its final victory. With a noble pursuit to take down the imposter bastard and put their rightful king on his throne. Per tradition, Ardella stood among the women of her household to bid the warriors a fortune. Stannis Baratheon briefly held her gaze but as a man of no affection he only reminded her the duty she has for him and nothing else.

"Stay safe, my princess." Davos Seaworth bowed before the princess in which Ardella replied, "You too, Ser Davos. I will see you in King's Landing."

But none of them could imagine the next place they will meet up. As Ardella watches the last of the men to board their ships, she felt all their sacrifices and dedication were misplaced. Misplaced with her father. Misplaced with her.

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