Hidden excitement

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Daenerys Targaryen's army slowly marched to the great city of Yunkai much like a slithering python patiently advancing on its prey. Ardella Baratheon rode behind the dragon queen's two Westerosi knights close enough to know that they are bickering but far enough to not hear a word.

The army made camp near a river that evening and as usual Ardella Baratheon made it her mission to stay clear of queen's council. For the past few days on the road, she only interacted with an unsullied who was ordered to stay close to her at all times.

Ardella was conversing with the unsullied in Valyrian when the queen she desperately wished to avoid joined her. "I didn't know you could speak Valyrian."

"Well, you don't know anything about me." Ardella replied simply. Daenerys was astonished by the lack of malice in the fiery Baratheon's voice as she was expecting another intense exchange with the young stag. "Tell me then. How did the princess of House Baratheon learned the language of my ancestors?"

"I will tell you if you answer mine. How do you plan to take the iron throne with a foreign army of former slaves, a council of banished old men while marching away from Westeros?" Ardella asked to annoy the young queen in hopes to drive her away.

Daenerys Targaryen frowned but to Ardella's disappointment, she stayed. A silence filled the air and the Baratheon took the moment to observe the dragon.

Coincidentally, she was in Astapor, the city that Daenerys liberated even without an army of her own, to run far away from her father's grasp who was resilient in his pursuit.

Ardella saw the glimpse of the three dragons of Daenerys from a far. It was a majestic sight for someone who grew up on Dragonstone, a stronghold of House Targaryen and former home of the dragons.

She saw the slaves that the young queen freed and learned from her unsullied that they joined the Targaryen's army on their own free will. All of these were great feats to the eyes of Ardella which sparked a respect towards the silver queen in her.

She wished to maintain her distance out of that respect she developed for the past few days and to play her role as her prisoner properly then on. But the queen was stubborn. Even after her tantalizing question, she stood her ground with no sign to leave anytime soon.

"I will liberate the entirety of Slaver's bay. After that I will head home. I cannot overlook hundreds of thousands of slaves just for the iron throne." The queen's answer caught the rebellious princess off guard. Precisely, the strong will of the dragon when she spoke of her intentions touched the young Baratheon and seems to awaken her burnt heart with a desire to follow the Targaryen.

It must be why the thousands of unsullied decided to follow her to the end of the world. The thought put a smile on her face.

"I learned Valyrian through my travels across the Free Cities. I can't say I'm fluent but I know just enough to survive." Ardella told the queen as promised.

Daenerys nodded appreciatively, "Why were you traveling so far away from Westeros? Surely, a royal princess like you shouldn't wander alone."

"Don't you think you need better men to advice you?"

Understanding that Ardella will only answer her questions if she answers hers, Daenerys responded, "They are good and loyal men. That is enough for me."

"I deemed myself unworthy to be the heir to the iron throne and my father to be the king. My only regret is that I didn't run away sooner." The reminder of Luciana hardened the Baratheon's face, the hatred in her heart burning through her eyes. "I was too obedient and cowardly. But no more."

Daenerys watched her intently, taking notice of her expression and a far away look on her fair face. All she could wonder was what Ardella meant as not sooner but the queen decided to not dig deeper in caution of meeting the Baratheon's fury from last time.

"I have a request to make." Ardella suddenly shifted her attention to the queen. "If I am truly not your prisoner, allow me to train with my unsullied. You don't have to give me back my sword. A dull practice sword will do."

The hatred coursing through her body ached her. For the last months, she learned to numb the pain through rigorous training or through the company of women. Both aids in providing her with some sort of comfort that she is no longer a weak, timid girl who denies her power nor her desire.

"Do you think I am worthy to be on the iron throne?" Daenerys hesitantly asked. She was displeased with herself for caring too much about the Baratheon's opinion after learning that she denies even her father of such regard.

Ardella thought flattery would surely make her request approved but she hoped that the silver queen is not someone low enough to wish for that, "It is too soon to tell."

She cleared her throat and continued, "But you are more worthy than I ever will be." The sincere confession made the princess fidget awkwardly which the queen found strangely endearing.

Daenerys smiled a little even after trying her best to mask her contentment, "I will send your sword back."

"Because you are satisfied with my answer?"

"No. Because I appreciated your honesty and trust in me. I am simply reciprocating." With that said the queen left but not before offering a warm smile to Ardella.


Daenerys Targaryen remained true to her words and allowed the Baratheon princess to train with her assigned unsullied named Red Flea. Ardella spent the days learning the spear from him and conversing with Missandei to improve her basic Valyrian.

Sometimes the queen would occasionally seek her company. Even though she is a Baratheon, she is a nobility who grew up in Westeros. In that regard, the queen wished to converse with her as she was raised out of court in Pentos.

Additionally, Ardella refuses to talk about her childhood but Daenerys feels as though they have some similarities ever since the Baratheon disclosed that she used to be obedient in the past. It reminded her of her own time as meek and timid girl under the wrath of her brother, Viserys.

As they neared Yunkai, Daenerys Targaryen's small council was divided. While Ser Selmy is confident they can conquer the city, Jorah Mormont questioned the importance of conquering a city that was well defended. He deemed their efforts are misplaced and urged the queen to focus on claiming her throne in Westeros.

The frustrated queen was waiting for her when Ardella entered her tent after a spar with Red Flea. The breathless princess glanced at the queen questioningly before gulping down water from the jar.

Without waiting, Daenerys rambled on about what has transpired in her council but went speechless when Ardella started to undress herself. The sudden silence halted the princess's movement as she stood there in her breast band after taking of her light armor that she borrowed from one of the unsullied.

The Baratheon has a slender figure with soft skin that is incomparable to a rough, hard build of men but has a certain appeal through its well-defined physique. A hint of blush covered the queen's face as she tried to look anywhere but Ardella's slightly toned abdomen covered in thin layer of sweat. The princess in turn grinned amusingly and took her time observing the dragon.

She was in her usual blue dress and brown pants, well-suited for traveling with horse. But it did not diminish her feminine curves and graceful lines of her body. Her silver hair ran along her chest while her striking blue eyes focused on the rug beneath her.

"You were saying, your grace?" Ardella attempted to refocus the dragon's gaze on her which she succeeded by addressing Daenerys as your grace for the first time.

But the queen's eyes met with hers briefly before traveling through her body helplessly again. It boldened the Baratheon to approach the flushing dragon.

"If you look at me like that, I won't hold back on looking at you the same way from now on. Deal?" She said and the queen only gulped in response.

Laughing to herself, Ardella retreated and spoke again after covering herself with a robe, "Send a messenger to Yunkai. Play with the master's ego. The high walls mean it is hard to enter but it doesn't make it difficult to exit."

The flustered queen nodded and rushed to leave the tent. Leaving both women with confusion riddled with hidden excitement.

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