Fateful encounter

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In the city of Astapor, Daenerys Targaryen was preparing to depart the city that she liberated with her unsullied army. As the silver queen stared at the old Astopori harpy at the harbor gate, Jorah Mormont joined her along with her newly appointed queensguard, Barristan Selmy.

"My queen, we have some troubling news." Ser Jorah stated after offering her a respectful bow. The knight's worry striken face caught the attention of the queen who narrowed her eyes for Jorah to continue, "We have found half a dozen men dead while patrolling around the sea wall."

The mention of the sea wall formerly known as walk of punishment enraged the last dragon, "Is this the doing of rebellious masters?"

"I don't think it is, you grace. Well... the dead men we found were all Westerosi soldiers who were clearly disguising themselves." Barristan Selmy reported and the Mormont added, "A Baratheon soldiers, to be specific."

A frown plastered on Daenerys Targaryen's face as she recalled the near death experience she encountered on the harbor few weeks ago. The manticore and the strange child. Now the ever so present Westerosi threat looms over her once again. "Did the patrol guards took their lives?"

The two knights exchanged glances, "They have been disguising themselves. So, the patrol guards must not have suspected them enough to kill them without your order, your grace."

"Then who did?"

"Forgive me, my queen but we are not sure. Whoever they are might be a threat to you. I advise we tighten your security until we depart."

"We will not depart until we capture that threat you speak of. I am no longer a little girl who runs away helplessly anymore." Daenerys ordered with a finality evident in her voice.

After the knights left the queen with a nod to accomplish their mission, Missandei escorted the queen to her old master's house. The young Targaryen's army halted their advance to the next slave city under the queen's command.

A week of suspension passed and on one fateful night, Grey Worm interrupted the queen's council with a captured prisoner. Finally, Daenerys Targaryen thought and ordered the unsullied to bring the captured in front of her.

Without delay, the former slave entered with a woman tied with ropes. He pushed her down to kneel but not without a protest from her. After huffing with annoyance, the woman looked up to reveal herself to the queen and her council.

Her brown eyes and pale face had no hint of fear. She held her chin up with certain grace that Daenerys didn't fail to notice. Her hair was dark as a moonless night, cascading freely down to her chest. The woman didn't wore a dress, instead a tight leather pants and vest with white tunic along with a belt that was clearly missing a sword that it holds.

"You are in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, First of her name. Queen of the Andals and ..." Missandei started to introduce the queen but was rudely interrupted by the captured woman's snicker.

"Aren't you supposed to be queen of the Seven Kingdoms to be queen of the Andals?" The stranger's melodic voice was thick with sarcasm.

"Yes, I am a Targaryen and the rightful heir to the iron throne of Seven Kingdoms." Daenerys spoke patiently but that only fueled the amusement of the woman in front of her.

"Though your right is debatable since the Targaryen dynasty has long ended, I would suggest you style yourself 'a rightful queen' of the Andals. Frankly speaking, you don't have the throne nor you are in the Seven Kingdoms to claim it as yours."

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