Chapter 2- The Fire Nation

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Amber's POV


Slowly a small light filled my vision.

"Where am I?" I stood up looking around. The room was dark exept for the bit of light coming from a small lantern in the corner.  Turned to face the door  at the sound of rattleing keys. from the door a man in firenation armor walked in.

"Good your awake." The man said although nothing in his voice hinted that he thought me being awake was good. "And just in time too. Welcome to the fire nation kid." He walked over to me, grabbed my arm, cuffed my hands, and started taking me out of the cell. Maybe I should have tried to run put how far was. Every since I can remeber I've been told the fire Nation was evil and dangerous, and now here I was, a prisoner, walking right into the place I feared the most. 

The man took me through the ship and after a few minutes I saw an open door with light coming through. On the other side of the door were a few more soldiers standing around gathering things to take off the  ship. The soldier who had taken me from my cell grabbed my arm and took me, well more like dragged me, over to a carriage that had an ostrich horse harnased to the front.

"Get in." The man said and I did, because I am not going to piss off a firenation soldier, who most likely has more training than me, in the fire nation surrounded by other trained soldiers. Once both the soldiers and I were in the carriage it started to move.

After what felt like forever the carriage finally stopped moving. The soldier didn't speak, he just grabbed my arm again and took me out of the carriage. That's when things got a whole lot worse. I wasn't just in the fire nation I was in the capital city. The giveaway? The giant palace in front of me. We walked through the palace each step fillinf me with more fear. We turned a corner and came to a halway with a pair of twin doors at the end. There were two soldiers standing guard in front of the doors. 

"Good Luck." The soldier said, although I could hear the sarcasm in his vioce. The man pushed me towards the door muttering, "You'll need it." before wlaking away. It was not something anyone would have wanted to hear while they were with the enemy. Taking a deep breath I started walking towards the door, my hands still bound in front of me. The two guads opened the doors when I got nearand I walked through, before they shut it. On the other side of the doors was a large room. The room was lit up by a wall of fire that seperated the back of the room from the rest. 

"Is it true?" a vioce asked from beyond the flames. "I was told you could bend all the elements, but are not the Avatar." This time I could tell the voice belonged to a man. "Is it a lie? Should you be thrown in prison as a threat to the fire Nation? Have your family in the South Pole arrested as well?"

"They are not my family"

" And why is that?"

"Family doesn't betray you. Family doesn't give you away. Family doesn't leave you for dead!" I was practically shouting at the end and a few tears began to run down my face.

"Do you know to who you speak?" The man spoke again.

"No." My voice was barely a whisper.

"I am Fire Lord Ozai." My breath got caught in my thought and my heart began to beat faster. Being in the fire Nation is bad enough. Being in the capital is worse, but being before the fire Lord was worse than both. The people of my village would sometimes tell stories about the evil man who led the Fire Nation. If all the things I had heard were true, my fate was not going to be good. I expected to be killed or for guards to enter and take me to prison, what I did not expect was his question.

"Would you fight for the fire Nation?" I froze. The answer should be easy, how could I betray my people, my family. But how could I betray those who already betrayed me? Why should I stay loyal and fight for my so-called family if they wouldn't, if they didn't do the same for me.

"Yes." The flames parted and a man stepped forward with a smile on his face. This was Fire Lord Ozai. I bowed to show respect and to hide the tears on my face.

"What is your name, child?" He asked.

"Amber." I answered.

"Well Amber. Forget the water Tribe, forget the family that betrayed you. You are Fire Nation now." Ozai put a hand on my shoulder. "Welcome Home."

Ozai's POV

"Well Amber. Forget the water Tribe, forget the family that betrayed you. You are Fire Nation now." Ozai put a hand on my shoulder. "Welcome Home." I smiled at the child before me as she looked back up. I now had an advantage. A bender of the four elements. A soldier. A weapon.


Hello readers, sorry update took so long, but I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Well that is all so. BYE!

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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