Chapter Seven

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BDubs skidded to a halt, staring past Etho, who was talking excitedly about something or other. Wasn't he-

He could vaguely see Mumbo- a vampire from his old village- talking to a boy his own age (although slightly shorter than the black haired boy) who had dirty blonde hair, dark gray eyes, pale freckles scattered across his face and brightly coloured parrot wings parrot wings protruding from his back. Grian.

Which was fine and all- he hadn't seen Grian in a while, after all- but there was just one problem.

Grian was meant to be locked away in the dungeons right now.

Etho trailed off, following the brunette's gaze. "Oh, he's one of the hybrid prisoners that was released yesterday, right? Uh- G... something." The prince finished lamely, and BDubs shot him a slightly amused look before what the white haired boy had said clicked.

"Wait- the hybrid prisoners were released?" That means Doc is- Doc's been released! BDubs brightened slightly.

"Yep. There was a big conversationy-trial thingy yesterday, and all of them apart from one were released. Apparently this zombie hybrid girl-" Cleo. BDubs rolled his eyes with a small laugh. "-tried to kill my mother midway through the trial. Pity that she failed." Etho added to himself quietly. What? BDubs shot him a mildly confused look. I must have misheard him.

"Have you... heard anything about a creeper hybrid? Maybe one called Doc?" The Floran hybrid added hopefully.

"I think so? He's helping False- sorry, Commander Symmetry- train a new squire called... Cub, if I remember correctly." Etho paused thoughtfully. "Yeah, I think that's right."

"Do you know whereabouts? I'd- really like to speak to him." BDubs added hesitantly. He'd seen Ren around, but hadn't been able to catch up with him, so he could at least talk to Doc.

"Uh... I'm not exactly sure. There's a hallway down there that leads to the training area, but I kind of wanted to talk to you about- well, really invite you to-" Etho cut himself off.

"Okay, thank you, bye-" BDubs began walking in the direction that Etho had gestured. He felt a slight twinge of guilt for abandoning Etho in the middle of... whatever he'd been trying to say, but he had to talk to Doc.

Besides, he'd only known Etho for like two months. Surely talking to Doc was more important.


BDubs opened the door, brightening slightly at the sight before him. There were three people in the room.

There was a boy with neat black hair, slightly tanned skin and glasses nervously clutching a wooden sword and rambling about something or other, and he was being cheered on by the boy he knew to be called Scar, who was watching from the side.

Stood across from the black haired boy was none other than Doc himself, wearing a set of battered iron armour and clutching a wooden sword of his own. He had a scar stretching across his neck and chin (which was something new), and he looked incredibly bored yet amused at the same time.

"No, Cub, I don't think you understand, you need to try and-" Doc broke off at the sound of the door opening, turning towards him and brightening. "BDubs!"

"Hey Doc! Am I... interrupting something?" BDubs shot an awkward smile at Scar and the boy who the Floran hybrid presumed to be Cub.

"Oh, not at all. You can watch if you want." Doc said, smiling.

Doc's smile faded at what Scar said next.

"You're the guy who works with Prince Etho, right? What's it like?" The brunette asked curiously. "I haven't spoken to him that much, so-"

"Uh, it's... it's alright. He's pretty c- He's okay." BDubs amended at the dark look on Doc's face. "You're working with Ren, right?" He added to Scar, changing the subject.

"Right. He's surprisingly good at fighting." Scar added brightly.

"Uh- how old are you again? You just- look a bit young to have someone working with you full time." Doc said, still frowning.

"Seventeen, sir. Just very polite. And I look young for my age. Cub's sixteen, if you didn't know, he also- looks younger than he is." Scar added helpfully (just in case BDubs and Doc didn't know, supposedly).

"I... see. You said you're... working with the human prince?" The creeper hybrid asked, looking back at BDubs.

"Uh... yeah, I am. It's... not terrible? I guess?" I don't really want to lie- it's going great, Etho's pretty cool, he's my friend- but I don't want Doc to think I like the humans. Most of them suck, but some are okay.

"Not terrible? Don't you guys go on walks and make each other flower crowns like all the ti-" BDubs shot a hand out to cover Scar's mouth. Shut up, shut up, shut up-

Doc frowned slightly. "I... see." He shrugged, sighing. "Well, come on, Cub- try again. Attack me. And try and stay on your feet this time?" The creeper hybrid added with an amused smile.

Cub nodded, gripping the sword slightly more tightly with an awkward frown. He's stood incredibly weirdly. Gonna throw him off-balance. As if on cue, the second BDubs looked away he heard a thud and look back to see Cub lying on the ground with a defeated expression, having apparently tripped over his own feet- at least, that was BDubs' guess.

Doc sighed, smiling slightly. "Come on, kid, let's try again. Get up."

"Do I have to? I already told you, I don't wanna do this- it's my parents that want me to be a stupid knight." Cub grumbled crossly as he got to his feet.

"I know, I know, but for now, you're stuck with this, so at least make the most of anything you might get out of this training." Doc said with a sigh, glancing at BDubs. "Remind me to never have kids."

"I'll remember to remind Ren." BDubs said wryly, causing Doc's face to go slightly red.

"What- I'm like two years younger than you!" Cub protested loudly. "I'm not a kid!"

"Yet you act like you're seven." Doc said sharply. "Now come on. Try again."

I know like only one person asked for this to be updated but I honestly love this story lol :)

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