Chapter Ten

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"Why do you always wear a mask?"

Etho turned to stare at BDubs, frowning slightly. Okay, no, nope, nooooo, absolutely not- I- what provoked that?

"Uh- I'm sorry?" The prince said somewhat nervously.

"I mean- I was just... curious?" BDubs tried with an odd laugh, looking away. "I've just never seen you without it on."

"Why do- why do you need to know?" Etho asked quietly, looking away as well.

"You don't need to answer, I was just- curious. Sorry." BDubs added quietly, his voice lowering to a whisper.

"No, it's- fine. I just don't get asked that often. Most people know why. I think." Etho shrugged.

"Well... do you mind telling me?" BDubs asked softly.

Don't do it. Don't tell him. Don't take off the mask. He'll think you're a freak.

But if I don't tell him, he might not trust me. He might think I'm keeping secrets.

"Uh... I guess not?" Etho said quietly, looking back at him. "It's kind of a whole- story. Thing. Do you mind?"

"Not at all." BDubs said, smiling reassuringly.

"Well... I was about... five? Six? Maybe? My mother was visiting a bakery for... some reason. I think her friend ran it. She brought me along."


Etho tugged at his mother's skirt, frowning slightly. "When can we go home?" The boy whined. "This is booooring."

"We'll go home soon, my love. I just need to speak to my friend first." She said, smiling down at him reassuringly.


"I'm not sure how, or why, but the bakery- caught fire?" Etho shrugged. "My mother, being the fantastic mother she is, left me inside and ran in an attempt to save her own skin." He spat. It's my fault for not getting out. That's what Mother always says.


Etho stared at the door as his mother ran out with a shriek.

Where was she going? And why did she leave me?

"...Mother?" He stared, letting out a startled scream of his own as a piece of smoking wood fell in front of the door, and he shrank away from the flames.


"Turns out the roof wasn't very stable, so a piece of burning debris fell down, hit me in the face... long story short, a lot of scarring." The prince said with a laugh. "My mother is much happier when I wear this mask- she's the one who gave me it. She doesn't have to look at my... 'horrific' face this way."


"But why do I have to-"

"Do you think anyone wants to see your horrific face, my son?" She said coldly, looking away. "Keep the mask on. Is that clear?"

Etho looked at the ground. "Yes, Mother." He whispered.


"So, uh- I don't really take the mask off." Etho finished awkwardly, glancing at BDubs, who was frowning.

"What the hell?"

"I know, I know, the mask is stupid, I'm stupid for wanting to not wear it sometimes-" Etho was cut off by BDubs' frustrated protest.

"No, not you! I think you'd look just as pretty without the mask." Wait- pretty? Did he just call me pretty? "Your mother is the one I have a problem with. What kind of a mother tells her own son to wear a mask just because he has scars from something she could have prevented?" The Floran hybrid spat, his eyes glittering with anger. His gaze softened slightly as he turned back to Etho. "I'm so sorry you have to deal with that pathetic excuse for a mother."

"Oh. Thank you, I think." That was the first time he'd ever heard someone talk about his mother that way. The same way that Etho himself felt about his mother. "That's... very nice of you." Etho added with a smile, wincing as he remembered that BDubs couldn't see the smile in question.

"No problem." The brunette paused again, glancing at Etho. "Would you mind... taking the mask off? You don't have to, obviously- I was just curious- I- uh- sorry." BDubs finished,  getting to his feet. "I'll just- leave now."

"No- don't leave!" Etho blurted, and BDubs glanced back at him hesitantly. "It's not a bad question at all, perfectly reasonable- please don't leave." He added, getting up as well. Please don't leave me here with my thoughts. "I'll take off my mask if it'll make you stay-"

"You don't need to show me. I'll still stay." BDubs added with a somewhat reassuring smile.

"No, I'll- show you- it's fine." Etho added awkwardly.

It's not fine. He'll hate you.  He'll think you're a freak. You are a freak. You're ugly, and he'll know it.

But I want him to trust me.

Etho paused, taking a deep breath before reaching up and pulling down his mask. He winced slightly, closing his eyes as he waited for the horrified gasp that had come from everyone else he had shown his scars.

But the gasp never came.

When he opened his eyes, he was greeted with BDubs staring at him with a small smile. "Wow, you are- just as pretty as I thought you'd be." He mumbled. He thought I'd be pretty? Wow, I bet he's disappointed then- no, Etho, stop with the self deprecating jokes-

"I mean, I wouldn't say 'pretty', but-" He was cut off by BDubs again.

"No, nope, you are- incredibly pretty." The brunette insisted, his face going slightly red.

He thinks I'm pretty. Etho cleared his throat awakwardly, smiling. "Thank you. That means a lot."

The two stood in silence for a few moments, and then-

"This might sound really weird, but I- kind of- want to kiss you right now." BDubs whispered, his face going bright red.

Etho blinked. Uh- he- what? Before he really understood what was happening, the prince had pulled BDubs closer and kissed him.

Oh my god I am- kissing BDubs right now. BDubs seemed mildly surprised before shrugging and kissing Etho back, wrapping his arms around the prince's neck.

The kiss lasted for a few moments longer before BDubs took a step backwards, being the first to break the kiss. "Did I just- did- uh-"


And here we have some incredibly fruity guys being silly

But yeah, backstory to Etho's mask and they kissed woo (finally, geez)

Just The Two Of Us- A Hermitcraft/Ethubs Fantasy AUWhere stories live. Discover now