Chapter Eleven

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BDubs let out a slightly startled yelp as someone hugged him from behind. "HEY- GET- YOU-" He broke off as he looked up to see Etho, who's body was shaking with silent laughter. "Hey! It's not funny!" The Floran hybrid protested loudly, glaring at Etho half-heartedly.

"It is pretty funny." The prince whispered, laughing audibly this time. "Why were you so scared?"

"Well- you'd be scared too if someone randomly hugged you from behind!" BDubs said lamely, pulling his tongue at the taller boy.

"Not really." Etho said with a shrug, letting go of BDubs and stepping away as the freckled brunette turned to face him.

"What- how would that not scare you in the slightest?" BDubs protested as the two continued walking down the corridor.

"I don't know, it just- wouldn't." He is weird sometimes. But then again, BDubs supposed that Etho's weirdness was a lot of what he liked about the prince.

He didn't want to date some boring guy (they had talked about secretly dating- Etho's mother would never let him date a hybrid- and had both come to the agreement that yeah, dating was fine), and he was incredibly glad it was Etho instead of the theoretical boring, lame guy.

Although there was still the lingering, constant anxiety that was always there in the back of his mind. What would the other hybrids think? He's a human- they'd hate me. Do they know? Do they already hate me?

BDubs blinked as the human prince waved a hand in front of his face. "BDubs? You there? Earth to BDubs-" He pushed Etho's hand away with an annoyed huff.

"Yeah, I'm here, I'm here, just- I just zoned out. Sorry." BDubs added shooting an awkward, apologetic smile in his boyfriend's direction.

Etho shrugged. "It's fine, don't worry about it." The white haired boy reassured him brightly. "Where were you heading anyway?" The human prince added curiously.

"I was gonna go on a walk in the forest, if you must know." BDubs said, smiling. "Hybrids have become a lot more trusted lately, so we can actually go places by ourself without it being a job." The brunette added wryly, and Etho laughed.

"Do you mind if I join you?" Etho asked curiously, brightening as BDubs nodded. "Great! I didn't have any other plans, so..." The human trailed off awkwardly.

"Well, let's go then." BDubs glanced around with a shrug, grinning. "Race you to the door!"


BDubs sat down next to the oak tree towering over the clearing, smiling as Etho sat next to him and glancing around.

It reminded him vaguely of the clearing near his old village, and at the thought, his smile faded slightly for a moment, but it returned as Etho shifted so that he was sat behind BDubs, wrapping his arms around the brunette's waist and resting his chin on top of the Floran hybrid's head.

"It's very peaceful here. I don't get to go on walks very often." Etho paused thoughtfully. "I went on a walk with Stress and Pearl once, but we were like- seven? Maybe eight? But it was very chaotic. Not nearly as peaceful as this." The white haired boy added, humming quietly to himself as BDubs summoned a handful of daisies.

Not much was said for a while. BDubs just sat there quietly making a flower crown and leaning against Etho, and the prince watched with a curious expression, pulling down his mask after a while. BDubs smiled quietly as Etho did so, turning to shoot him an amused look.

The Floran hybrid paused, smiling again and turning around to place the flower crown on Etho's head carefully. He paused, frowning slightly. Oh- his actual crown is in the way- oh well- Etho blinked, brightening and taking his actual crown off, placing it on the ground. "I'm- guessing that was in the way." He joked, grinning. His smile is so incredibly pretty- how does he not realise that?

"Kiiiind of, yeah." BDubs admitted, placing the flower crown on Etho's head. The two stared at each other for a moment before Etho pulled the boy into a kiss, and BDubs smiled slightly before kissing him back. He broke away a few moments later, turning around again and yawning before leaning against his boyfriend again (his boyfriend! Etho was his boyfriend now!).


BDubs blinked open his eyes, sitting up with a yawn and frowning at the sound of an amused voice from behind him.

"Did you enjoy your nap?" Etho asked, laughing.

"Oh, did I- fall asleep on y- I'm sorry." BDubs said hastily as his face went red, moving away slightly before turning around to face the human prince.

"You don't need to apologise, genius. You're allowed to sleep." Etho commented wryly, getting to his feet. "We should probably be heading back now though." He added with a huff, pulling his mask back up to cover his nose before helping the Floran hybrid get to his feet as well. "This was fun though! Even if you were asleep for most of it." He added, laughing as BDubs shoved him playfully.

"Oh, shut up, you." He protested lamely, although he wasn't really mad. BDubs paused, sighing. "Yeah, let's get going. I guess."

Part of him wished he could stay out here with Etho forever. He didn't have to worry about what the other hybrids thought, or even what the humans thought, or what the dark looks Etho's mother shot in his direction meant. He didn't have to worry about anything at all. It was so peaceful.

But obviously they couldn't stay out there forever.

Ik this chapter is a bit shorter than the normal ones but oh well

Enjoy the fluff while it lasts 🙃

Just The Two Of Us- A Hermitcraft/Ethubs Fantasy AUWhere stories live. Discover now