Chapter Fourteen

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Etho stared blankly down the hallway, his gaze lingering on the corner that BDubs had disappeared around. He couldn't put his finger on it exactly, but he felt... weird about this.

He wasn't sad- definitely not. BDubs had betrayed his trust, no matter how much he denied it. If anyone had a right to be upset or mad, it was Etho. He had essentially spent his whole life saying hybrids weren't bad, and the second he got close to one he was betrayed.

It was stupid. BDubs was stupid.

Etho's gaze was dragged away from the end of the hallway by an irritated shout. "I cannot believe you. Do you even have proof that he did anything?" The prince spun around at the sound of Ren's voice, surprised to see him shouting at False, who had followed Etho.

Etho moved slightly closer as the commander snapped back a response. "Not that it's any of your business, hybrid, but we have all the proof we need." False retorted, her gaze growing slightly wary as BDubs' other tall, creeper hybrid friend approached (Doc, maybe? Etho wasn't sure).

"Yeah, right. What did he supposedly do anyway? If it's outside of the castle grounds, you're a liar. He hasn't left the castle grounds apart from his walks with Prince Etho." How does he know about those- Doc scowled at False, who sighed.

"As far as you know. And he set some houses on fire because... who knows why. Some lame hybrid propaganda stuff, probably." She said blankly, her blue eyes betraying no trace of emotion apart from maybe slight amusement (Etho was sure he interpreted that wrong).

"Speaking of Prince Etho- you know he'll never let you get away with this, right?" Ren snapped. Oh. He didn't see me then. "As much as I don't like him, I know he'll stick up for BDubs no matter what, so you're done for." The brunette added.

False let out a laugh that was slightly too high pitched. "Oh, so that's what you think? You think the prince will..." She raised both eyebrows slightly as she noticed the white haired boy watching from nearby. "'Stick up for him' no matter what?" The commander said with a slightly cruel smile.

Ren faltered slightly, a bit less confident. "...yes? From what I've seen, anyway, that- is the case- why are you smiling like that, lady?" The dog hybrid huffed, glancing at False before exchanging an uneasy glance with Doc.

"Oh, your trust is adorable. You didn't see him, did you?" False asked with a smile that made even Etho worried.

"What?" Doc exchanged another glance with Ren, confused now.

"Prince Etho ordered the Floran hybrid's arrest. He fully agrees with me. He's seen the evidence." The blonde said with a nonchalant shrug. "Oh- speak of the devil. Prince Etho! There you are." False said brightly, beckoning for Etho to join them as Doc and Ren stared with somewhat disgusted expressions.

Etho trudged towards the trio, not meeting their gaze. Then it was again- that weird feeling. It was like something was tugging at his heartstrings. The prince felt like he was going to be sick.

He mumbled a 'hi', as he reached them, getting nothing but a disgusted scoff from Ren in response.

"Prince Etho, can you... explain the situation to these hybrids? The ones who think they can speak to humans like they aren't below us?" She added sharply.

Etho shrugged uneasily. "There's- not much to explain. BDubs burnt down, um... houses. There's multiple notes from him, uh- and eyewitness accounts-" Which I haven't heard. But whatever. "-so there's... no way it couldn't be him." He finished quietly, his speech coming out slightly more timidly and broken up than usual under the hybrids' judging states.

Doc muttered something about how he couldn't believe this but nothing else was said. Nothing had to be said, as was made clear when Etho glanced at their faces for the first time- Ren and Doc's gazes were full of more hatred than couldn't be expressed with words.

He wasn't sure why he felt upset over this- he'd spoken to each of them a maximum of two times. He had no reason to hold their opinion in high regard. Maybe it's because they're so close to BDubs- no, that's not... that can't be it. Etho shook his head slightly, dismissing the thought as soon as he had it.

False yawned, stretching slightly. "Wow, you guys don't speak much, do you? Oh- Prince Etho? Your presence is required in the throne room. Your mother wishes to speak to you." Etho nodded quietly, turning away after a moment and walking in the opposite direction from where he'd came, towards the throne room.

He wasn't exactly in the mood to talk to his mother today, but it wasn't like he had a choice- she'd just go on and on at him if he didn't show up. Etho reached up instinctively to check if he was wearing his mask. BDubs didn't care about how I looked under the mask. He shook his head again. So what? He was probably lying. He was probably trying to get close to someone higher up so he wouldn't get in trouble.

He probably thinks I'm ugly as well.

Even as he turned the corner, he could still practically feel the judgemental stares of Ren and Doc. So what if they don't like me anymore? I don't know them! Ren said he already didn't like me, so why should I care?

I don't care what they think. I don't.

He sighed as he reached the hallway to the throne room. Despite the fact that his mother had, for once, been right about something (the prince vaguely remembered the queen being mentioned when False explained what had happened with BDubs), he still never looked forward to seeing her under any circumstance.

Etho hesitated slightly as he reached the large, ornately decorated double doors of the throne room before pushing one of them open and walking inside.

Ooo update

Etho is being Heavily Judged™️ by Ren and Doc

L bozo

In Etho's defence he is fully under the impression that the person he loved most in his life has betrayed him

Anyways hope you enjoyed! Comments and votes are appreciated <3 :]

Sorry for any errors I don't proofread lol

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