Chapter Thirteen

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BDubs knew something was wrong from the moment Etho walked in.

Previously, the Floran hybrid had been minding his own business, attending to the plant pots in his room and vaguely trying to come up with plans for a date with his boyfriend.

He was trying to figure out whether the woods or the villages nearby would be the best place to go on a walk (and explore) when the prince of Pherus entered the room.

BDubs spun around at the sound of footsteps, relaxing as he spotted Etho. He glanced briefly over his boyfriend's blank expression with a twinge of anxiety that may have saved him, had he payed any attention to it, but he brushed it off, presuming that Etho had gotten in another argument with his mother. "Oh- hey Etho! So, listen, I was thinking, maybeee we could go on a walk near the-"

"Just- don't." The brunette blinked as Etho cut him off. Huh?

"Don't... what? Are you, uh- feeling okay, babe?" He grimaced slightly. Etho and BDubs were still trying to figure out pet names- it was very obvious that neither of them had been in a relationship before.

"Don't just- talk and act like nothing happened." BDubs' breath caught in his throat, the question he had been about to ask faltering before he even opened his mouth fully as the taller boy accompanied the retort with an icy glare.

"I- what?" That was all the Floran hybrid managed to say. He was still very confused as to what was going on, and his confusion grew as the taller of the pair spoke again.

"I cannot believe you. I've always thought that Mother was wrong, that actually hybrids weren't all that bad, that you were proof of that. I was so- wrong." BDubs shrank back slightly under Etho's gaze, which had become slightly angry. He wasn't exactly sure what Etho was talking about, but he still felt hurt.

"What?" The hybrid repeated lamely, unable to think of anything else to say.

"Don't play dumb." Etho scoffed, hurt joining the mix of emotions in his multicoloured glare. "You burnt down a bunch of houses in Lower Pherus. We have proof it was you." He spat. Huh...? That's- I haven't left the castle grounds since I got here, apart from the walks with Etho...?

BDubs tried to say this- tried to defend his own innocence- but he could only let out a pathetic, "I didn't do that...?" He attempted to take an awkward step backwards, walking into the wall instead with a muttered, 'oof'.

"Stop lying. It's not going to get you anywhere." Etho snapped.

"You don't- believe me?" His boyfriend (?) let out a sarcastic laugh at BDubs' query.

"Believe you? Why would I? Why would I take your word over multiple pieces of evidence and the word of a trusted human general?" The emphasis on 'human' was barely there, but BDubs still winced slightly. He also wasn't a massive fan of how the prince had said 'you' in such a disgusted way, as if referring to BDubs was such an awful thing.

"Etho, I swear, I didn't-"

"Oh my god, shut up. Just- don't! No matter how much you lie, it will not work." The human prince said angrily. "So save your breath. I guess Commander Symmetry was right about hybrids. You can't be trusted. I can't believe I ever-" Etho cut himself off, his expression becoming one of pure disgust.

BDubs said nothing, but he couldn't stop the tears from forming in his eyes. Stop it, stop it, stop it, stop crying-

Etho then sighed before turning to face the door and calling, "You can come in now. He's crying, so he's probably- easier to drag away." Wait, what?

BDubs stared as two heavily armoured guards walked through the door. They're not- he wouldn't- what's- He barely registered being practically dragged out of the room, his heart thudding violently against his rib cage as he cast a glance at Etho for help.

It was then that the Floran hybrid noticed someone screaming and sobbing, none of what they were saying being anything remotely intelligible.

It was- him? He was the one screaming? BDubs couldn't even figure out what he himself was shouting in his panicked state, so he figured that he was sobbing too hard to form any comprehensible phrases.

The Floran hybrid could vaguely see other people staring in confusion as he was dragged down a hallway (the only ones he recognised being Ren and Doc, both of whom looked furious at what was happening) but he was too confused to even try and cry out for help.

Where were they taking him?

What was happening?

Who on earth had framed him for this crime (because he certainly hadn't done it)?

And who was that boy who had ordered the guards into the room? It certainly couldn't have been Etho. Right? Etho was funny, and kind, and kind of nervous, and playful. Etho wouldn't look at him like that. Etho would never speak to him like that, ever.

Etho wouldn't do that to him.

Etho would believe him, no matter what.

Etho wouldn't accuse him of something so dreadful just as he was starting to settle into living in the castle.

Etho wouldn't ruin BDubs' life just as he had begun to thought he'd found a place he could call home.



It felt as if it had been only seconds since Etho had walked into the room, since he had been forcefully dragged from his own room, when BDubs was tossed against a stone wall and handcuffs were clicked into place around his wrists. The brunette glanced up with a confused expression as the guards slammed the cell door (unnecessarily hard, if you asked him).

Confused- that was still the only thing he was feeling. All of his other emotions- hurt, sadness, anger, anxiety- they were all completely overwhelmed by how confused he was feeling.

He had no idea what he was going to do now.

Hm, Chapter 13. Funny coincidence.
You know what they say- 13 is unlucky for some, and it certainly was for BDubs.

(This chapter being Chapter THIRTEEN  wasn't planned btw it was pure coincidence and I find that hilarious)

Anyways yeah BDubs is locked up in a dungeon now :,D

L bozo I guess

Comments and votes are appreciated! <3 :]

Sorry for any errors lol, I speedran this

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