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This story was requested by @Sandrastar1

It was a little after 3 pm and Cuphead was listening to the radio while Mugman was reading a book. Things were peaceful until Ms. Chalice burst through the door. "Hey fellas!"

"Chalice! What are ya doing here?" Cuphead asked.

"Well, I just heard about this all you can eat bakery for just $5 a person, you two wanna go?"

"Yes!" the brothers exclaimed.

"Elder Kettle! We're going out for a while!" Mugman said.

"Alright but don't get into any trouble!"

"We won't, bye!" Cuphead said as he dragged Mugman out of the cottage.

The bakery was called "Inkwell Sweets and Treats" and it was only 5 or so minutes away from their home. The three paid their fee and ran to the food area.

"Oh my gosh look at all this stuff!" Cuphead said in awe as he looked at all the sweets.

"I told you we should check it out" Chalice said as she walked over to some pie.

Cuphead immediately grabbed a bunch of everything including cake, pie, cookies, and anything else he thought looked good. The three finally sat down at a table near a window. Cuphead's plate was piled extremely high, Chalice took 3 sweets and Mugman only grabbed one thing.

"Seriously, just one muffin?" Cuphead asked.

"Just because there's a bunch of food doesn't mean I need to take it all at once. If I want more, I'll get more" Mugman said.

"Ah whatever" Cuphead said before he started shovelling sweets into his mouth"

"Ay Mugsy, you wanna see who can finish eating first?"

"No, I want to enjoy my food"

"Really? Or are you chicken?" Cuphead taunted.

"No I just don't want to stuff my face"

"Ehh that sounds like something a chicken would say"

"*sigh* fine, what's in it for me?"

"We'll decide once we know who won"

"Okay" Mugman said as he got up and went to the food area again. When he returned, he had as much food as Cuphead.

"You ding dongs are gonna eat all that? You're gonna get a stomachache" Chalice warned.

"Oh banana oil! I've eaten wayyy more than this before and I was fine. Alrighty, 3, 2, 1, GO!" Cuphead said before both he and Mugman started shoving food in their mouths.

"This is a dumb idea..." Chalice said.

"Yea it was dumb of him to take the challenge cause I'm gonna win" Cuphead said between bites.

"I only did because you wouldn't shut up about it" Mugman replied.

In less than ten minutes, the two brothers finished their food however Cuphead finished his last bite just before Mugman.

"Hah I knew I would win, in your fa- *hic*"

"Big deal, you haven't even decided on a punishment ye- *hic*"

"Right, so you *hic* have to *hic*" Cuphead said.

"Have to *hic* do what? *hic*" Mugman asked.

Neither of them could get a sentence out without hiccuping.

"What's *hic* the matter with us?" Cuphead asked.

"You idiots ate too much too fast" Chalice said as she finished the last of her food.

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