Mugman x Male!reader

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This story was requested by @WhimsyWabbit and the character Herbert is one of their OC's, go check them out!

This story was requested by @WhimsyWabbit and the character Herbert is one of their OC's, go check them out!

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After school Cuphead and Mugman met up at the front entrance. "Hey Cuphead! You wanna hang out at the park?" Mugman asked.

"Nah sorry, Elder Kettle said I gotta go home straight after school for not doing my chores" Cuphead said.

"Oh right, I'll see you later then"

"You going to see your boyfriend?" Cuphead teased causing Mugman to look away, embarrassed.

"Shut up, we're just friends" Mugman protested, sounding slightly disappointed.

"Yeah sure, and you always go out of your way to run into him because you're "friends"

"Whatever, you don't know what you're talking about"

"Yeah yeah, and just some brotherly advice: he's totally into you" Cuphead whispered before heading home.

While Mugman made his way to his usual after school spot his mind was racing. "Was Cuphead just lying or does he really think he likes me? He's probably lying, Herbert always looks like he's enjoying himself no matter who he's with"

After a short walk around the school, he made it to the hill where he normally relaxed after school however the area wasn't empty. "Oh h-hey Herbert I uh didn't see you in Science today" Mugman stuttered.

"Sorry, I had a doctors appointment so I was late" Herbert said as he patted the ground next to him, motioning for Mugman to sit with to him.

"What are you reading today?" Herbert asked.

"It's this book called "Fog of the Heart" and it's about a girl who's pushed by her parents to find love so she doesn't realize her feelings for her friend that's been there all along"

"*sigh* that's a classic, people not realizing how good something right in front of them is. Mind reading me some of it?"

"Uhh sure but I'm halfway through it so it might not make much sense"

"That's fine, I just like listening to you talk"

"Oh um... okay then" Mugman blushed as he tried to hide his face with the book.

For about half an hour, Mugman read to Herbert and partway through it, Herbert laid his head on Mugman's shoulder, causing his heart to race. When he got to the next chapter Herbert said: "hey, come with me"
as he stood up and extended his hand to help Mugman up.


Herbert guided him to a bridge over a body of water that wasn't too far from the school grounds. The area was surrounded by trees and flowers and all that could be heard was the chirping of birds. "It's beautiful" Mugman said in awe.

"Yeah, I like coming here when it's warmer out especially since there's ducks around here sometimes"

The two of them quietly enjoyed their surroundings until Mugman broke the silence. "Aw man I gotta go, I have a history project I need to start" Mugman said.

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