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This story was requested by @Sandrastar1

On a typical Thursday afternoon Cuphead and Mugman could be found in their usual setting: in their room and arguing.

"Cuphead, it's your turn to clean our room!" Mugman yelled.

"Why can't you do it?" Cuphead asked.

"I've done it the past three times it's your turn!"

"I'll do it later"

"Whenever you say that I end up doing it. Just clean now, Elder Kettle told us to have it done today, if we don't we're gonna get in trouble"

"Ehh I ain't too worried about it" Cuphead said before leaving a frustrated Mugman in their room.

After some time had passed, Mugman had calmed down and the brothers were listening to the radio until Elder Kettle entered the room. "Boys! Go out and rake the leaves! It's a mess out there"

"Okay!" Mugman replied.

"Aww, do we have to?" Cuphead complained.

"Yes, I've been asking you to do it this whole week" Elder Kettle said.

"But-" Cuphead started.

He was cut off by Mugman dragging him outside by his handle. "Come on let's just get it over with"

They both quickly got to work and once Cuphead finished raking his pile, he got an idea. As he walked away from it, Mugman said: "Hey where are you going?"

"Nowhere..." Cuphead replied.

"Okay" Mugman said before going back to raking leaves.

Cuphead continued to quietly walk behind Mugman before running towards his leaf pile and diving into it.

"Cuphead! I just finished raking!"

"Aw c'mon I'm just having fun, you can jump in my pile"

"*sigh* there's no point, I'll just have to rake them again, just go inside and let me do it" Mugman said.

Instead of feeling bad, Cuphead just thought his brother was being a killjoy. He was laying down on the couch when Mugman came back inside. "You done being boring?"

"Are you done being a nuisance? That took an extra ten minutes because of you" Mugman replied.

"Fine, I'm sorry, you wanna go fly our kites?"

"Sure, but we can't stay out too long it's gonna get dark soon"

"Okay let's go!"

It was pretty warm outside however it was also fairly windy so Mugman was able to get his kite in the air within a few minutes. Cuphead wasn't so successful. "Dang it! This thing won't get off the ground. How did you get yours to work?"

"You gotta give the kite more wind before extending the line" Mugman said.

"I already tried that and it ain't working. I got a better idea" Cuphead said before going back inside the cottage. He returned with a rocket in his back pocket. "Hey Mugsy can I have your kite for a second?"

"Um sure but I'm gonna use yours in the meantime"

"Yeah that's fine..." Cuphead said as he tied the rocket to the kite.

"Uh Cuphead? What are you doing-" Mugman started but was cut off by the kite being launched into the air.

"Heck yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" Cuphead exclaimed.

"Really Cuphead?" Mugman asked, sounding disappointed.

"What? I just wanted to do something cool"

"No you didn't! You know how I know? Because  if that was so "cool" you would've done it with your kite. You did it with mine because you don't care about anyone besides yourself. You're always saying you don't worry about anything and that's because Elder Kettle and I worry about everything for you because we care about you! Clearly it's too much for you to ever think about others!" Mugman shouted before he stormed away from the cottage, leaving Cuphead stunned.

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