MSMC Bk 3 - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2-Eagle meets Annalisa & Carmella

We ate our breakfast and made a quick stop at a store for her jeans then we were on our way. Two and a half hours later, she directed us to her apartment house and my heart fell. The place was a dump, to put it nicely. She lived on the second floor and her apartment was tiny inside but tidy.

"Would you mind emptying the fridge for me and taking out the trash? I'm going to give anything worth eating to the girl across the hall. She's got a kid and really struggles to make it one week to the next. She's a good person but her ex dumped her as soon as he found out she was pregnant. Her parents basically won't have anything to do with her because they said "I told you he was no good but you wouldn't listen to us so now you are on your own". Assholes!"

She walked into her bedroom and started packing her clothes in her suitcases while Eagle and I emptied her kitchen. A few minutes later, a knock came at the door and Eagle answered it. Now, Eagle is not a big talker to begin with but I've never seen him totally speechless before. When I looked around the corner, I saw a pretty woman with olive colored skin, jet black hair that was pulled back in a braid and big brown doe eyes with a small child that looked like a miniature copy of her on her hip.

"Um, is Nessa here?" She said softly.

Eagle nodded and stepped back but didn't say a word, just kept staring at her. "Nessa?" she called out a little louder.

"Oh hey Annalisa. I was going to come over and talk to you. How's my sweetpea?" Nessa said, coming in and kissing the baby's cheek who immediately held her arms out to Nessa. Nessa took the baby and turned around to introduce us.

"Annalisa, I'd like for you to meet my boyfriend, Hulk and his friend, Eagle. Guys, this is my best friend and neighbor, Annalisa and her daughter, Carmella. Annalisa, I hate that I have to tell you this but I'm moving away from here."

"Hey, while you ladies talk, Eagle and I will go take out the trash and see if we can find some boxes for the rest of the stuff in the kitchen. Okay?" I said, trying to keep from laughing at the look on Eagle's face. He hadn't stopped staring at the beautiful young woman since he had opened the door to her.

"Sure. The store across the street might have some or there might be some stacked up by the dumpster down stairs." Nessa said.

"Cool. We'll be right back." I said as I handed Eagle a bag of trash and then pulled on his sleeve. Finally he seemed to snap out of it and followed me out of the apartment.

As we walked back down the stairs, Eagle finally spoke up. "Did you see her? She's beautiful!" He said in amazement, like he couldn't believe it.

"Hahaha! Of course I saw her. And you didn't want to come to Tulsa with me!" I teased him.

"Now I never want to leave!" Eagle suddenly had a big smile on his face.

"Well, we don't have to leave today. We could stay overnight and give you a chance to get to know her. From what little Nessa told me, she's really struggling to make it on her own here. Her ex dumped her when she found out she was pregnant and parents disowned her when she went with him and now refuse to help her. Maybe she will agree to come with us?"

"Wow! I'm not sure about this. I mean, she is gorgeous and I would definitely like to get to know her better but to take on a woman and her kid after one meeting. Wow! That's a lot to take in. I need to think about this." Eagle said.

"Hey, I'll tell you the same thing Rooster told me "For most people, the gold ring only comes around once in a lifetime. You gotta take a chance, grab hold and hang on when it comes your way. Don't overthink it, just grab your chance and if things don't work out well, it's not like you are claiming her right away. You can always just help her out until she's able to get on her feet. Any place in our town is going to be better than this dump!" I told him.

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