MSMC Bk 3 - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3-Packing Annalisa out

Eagle's POV

After Hulk and Nessa left to go pick up her car and paycheck, I walked Annalisa over to her apartment to help her begin packing up her stuff. Her apartment was just like Nessa's, small but tidy, except for Carmella's toys scattered on the rug in front of the sofa.

Annalisa laid Carmella down in the playpen and began to change her diaper. I was used to seeing babies having their diapers changed and it didn't bother me but seeing Annalisa's bottom sticking up as she bent over the side of the play pen had my dick hard in an instant and I felt a sudden urge to check out her living room. I had to look anywhere but at that luscious ass, just begging me to push up against it.

There weren't many "decorations" around but there were some beautiful pencil drawings hung on the living room wall. Mostly of Carmella but there was one of Nessa and another of Nessa and Carmella that nearly took my breath away. It looked almost like a black and white photograph.

"Did you do these?" I ask.

"Yes. I love to draw and to paint too but I can't afford paint supplies anymore so I just do charcoal pencil drawings. Or at least I do when I can afford them. Charcoal pencils can be expensive when you live on my too small tight budget. I can't wait until Carmella is potty trained so that I don't have to buy diapers anymore. She's getting better but she still has accidents and I don't dare put her down to sleep without a diaper on." Annalisa said as she straightened up and walked towards me.

"Please excuse the mess. I usually try to pick up before we go out but I didn't expect to be gone that long. I had just been so worried about Nessa after she didn't come home last night." Annalisa said as she sat Carmella down on the rug with her toys.

"No worries. We've learned not to walk around in the living room at the clubhouse barefoot. Finding a lego piece or a toy soldier in your bare feet is no fun, especially on hardwood floors. Our vice president and his wife have a boy who is 3 and a new baby girl who is about a month old. We also have a 2 year old little girl that was born to one of our members who still lives in the club house. They are trying to save up the money to find their own place but so far haven't found the right house for them that they can afford. Our president and his wife have a new baby boy who is also just a little over a month old.

The prez and vp both have their own homes but I think they spend just as much if not more time at the club house so there are always little ones around. I'm sure Carmella will fit right in. In fact, once Simon sees her, he might change his mind about making Crystal his old lady when they grow up." I laughed at the memory of Simon trying to put his arm around Crystal one night and at how indignant she had become, telling him "No touch!". She was definitely a little spit fire just like her mom.

"You make it sound more like a big family instead of a MC." Annalisa said, looking up at me.

"It is in a lot of ways. Granted, before all the kids started being born to our members, it was very much like you see in the movies and some nights it's still like that but never when the kids are around and awake. We still drink and party but try to keep it more low key now." I told her.

"How many women live at the clubhouse?" Annalisa asked.

"Well, there are currently 5 old ladies. But some nights there can be at least a dozen or more sweet butts or hang arounds in the house. But they don't live there." I told her.

"What are "sweet butts" and "hang arounds"? I mean I can guess but I want to be sure I'm not wrong." Annalisa asked.

"They are women who come in to "service" unclaimed men in the club. Any man can be with them with no commitment expected. Just for adult pleasure and company." I say, trying to not be crude.

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