MSMC Bk 3 - Chapter 21

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Chapter 21-Boxer proposes and receives a big surprise

On her way upstairs, Dixie nodded her head at me and then jerked her head in the direction of the living room, telling me that it was empty and with a wink and a smile she mouthed "Good luck" and then carried Samuel upstairs.

I grabbed Tiana's hand and whispered, "Come with me. I have something I want to show you." I led her into the living room and I didn't turn on the lights as we went in and stopped Tiana from turning them on. The tree lights were enough to see by as I led her

over to the Christmas tree. To one side and slightly behind it, there was a blanket spread out on the floor with lit candles lining the window sill. A champagne bucket with a bottle of wine sticking out of it sat to one side and the box with Tiana's cut in it was on the corner near the tree.

"Oh, what's this?" Tiana asked in surprise when she saw it.

"Come sit down. I need to talk to you. To ask you something." I stumbled and could feel the sweat starting low on my back. I helped her to sit down on the blanket and then followed her down, nervous as hell but I smiled at her as she seemed so happy.

"Do you want some wine?" I asked.

"No, thanks. I'm full from dinner. What's going on Tony?" She asked.

"Tiana, the first time I saw you, I can't really describe what I felt. At first I thought you were just a child and I felt like such a pervert for even thinking about being with you but then I found out that you're 19 and while I'm 25 years old, I hope you don't think that too old for us to make a life together, do you?" I asked. I knew I was making a mess out of this but hell, I've never proposed to a woman before and I'm totally winging this.

"No, I don't think that is too big of a difference. When I first met you, I thought you were the most handsome man I had ever seen but it was your eyes that captured my attention the most. I looked into them and I just knew you were someone who would never hurt me and that I could trust you. I was scared out of my mind but I think I began to fall in love with you the second you picked me up. I felt so warm and safe in your arms. Every time you hold me, I feel like I've finally found a home." She told me and it gave me the confidence to ask her,

"Tiana, does that mean you will be my old lady?" I asked, hopefully.

"Yes, Tony. I will be proud to be your old lady." she said.

I thought my heart was going to pound right out of my chest as I pulled out the ring and asked "Will you also become my wife? Marry me, Tiana. Please?"

Big tears immediately filled her eyes as she saw the ring I was holding out to her in the little black velvet box. I was shaking so badly because I had been so worried that she was going to say no but she screamed "YES!" and jumped into my arms, grabbed my face with both hands and slammed her mouth onto mine. We both fell over on my back and lay almost under the Christmas tree as we kissed and held each other.

I rolled over to the side and she held out her hand as I put the ring on her finger then kissed her again before telling her just how happy she had just made me. We made out on the floor for a while and then I remembered her cut.

"Sit up, please. I have something else for you." I told her. I sat up and I handed her the large box that Dixie had wrapped so nicely and watched Tiana's face as she opened it and saw what was inside.

"Oh wow! I finally got my cut! And I got a beautiful ring too! AND the best man on the planet to be my husband and the father of my child." she said and then peaked up at me through her lashes as if watching my reaction but I guess I'm a bit slow because I didn't pick up on her hint at all. I just sat and watched her with a big dopey smile on my face.

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