MSMC Bk 3 - Chapter 19

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Chapter 19- Narrow escape for Boxer

Two days before Christmas everyone was surprised when Boxer and Tiana got into a yelling match that everyone could hear but no one attempted to get involved in. Everyone was shocked that Tiana was screaming at Boxer since she normally barely spoke above a whisper and had always seemed so shy and self contained but when she stormed through the house that day, she was fit to be tied as she stomped down the stairs and went into the bar. She grabbed a bottle of tequila and nearly choked as she chugged on it right out of the bottle.

"What the hell, Tiana? What's going on?" Dixie asked as she entered the bar behind her and took the bottle away from her.

"Boxer is being a total jackass. He's accepted a fight three days after Christmas and wants to leave here the day after Christmas to go to Oklahoma City. He says it will pay him $100,000 plus a portion of the bets placed if he wins. Something called a "cage match"." Tiana ranted until Dixie gasped at the last sentence and Tiana snatched the bottle back out of Dixie's hand and asked her "What?"

"Wait right here and don't move. I'll be right back." Dixie said and left the bar. She hurried over to Rooster's office and quickly told him what was going on.

"Rooster, Tiana said it's a cage match for big bucks. You know what that means as well as I do. Stop him, Rooster! You can't let him do that." Dixie pleaded with her husband.

Rooster's POV

Rooster rubbed his hand over his face and he now knew this was the other shoe he had been waiting to drop but he couldn't believe that it was Boxer. "I'll talk to him. If it was directly related to MC business, I could order him not to go but this has nothing to do with us and he has been involved with the boxing world since before he came to us. Granted it's been a while since he's fought, I really don't have the right to order him not to fight if that is what he really wants." I told her but stood up to go find Boxer and I had a feeling I knew just where to look.

Sure enough, I found Boxer pounding the hell out of the heavy bag in the gym downstairs and muttering to himself. I got behind the bag and held on to it while he worked out his frustrations for a few minutes but it was beginning to feel like I didn't have the bag separating us as he hit it over and over again with full force.

"Dude, take a break and let's talk while I can still breathe!" I told him.

"Why can't she just understand? I'm just going to do this to be able to buy her the house she wants so that we can start our family. She doesn't want to get pregnant until we have the house and have it set up the way she wants and everything we've looked at that we like costs more than I can afford without the money I will make on this fight. She says she doesn't want to wait for something to be built either because it will take too long and she doesn't want it to be so close to the clubhouse, like your place. I just don't know what else to do so when my old manager called and said that he had a high dollar fight that would earn me $100,000 plus a portion of all the bets placed with him, I jumped at it." Boxer explained as he wiped his face with a towel and caught his breath.

"Who would you be fighting?" I asked.

"I've never heard of him before but my manager told me his name is Romero Fernandez and that he's at the top of my weight class and like me, hasn't lost a fight." Boxer admitted.

"Dude, I hate to say it but you could be walking into a nightmare that very possibly might not end well for you. I know you keep in pretty good shape but you haven't fought in a long time and would need to be in top physical condition for this and you just don't have enough time to prepare for it.

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