MSMC Bk 3 - Chapter 17

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Chapter 17-The Snake Bird sings & the MSMC rescues 8

We followed Captain Dickerson down the hall to an interrogation room that had a table and four chairs and a big two way mirror on the wall. "Can we get the cuffs off of him and maybe some coffee?" Hunter asked.

I pulled out the key Captain Dickerson had given me and unlocked the handcuffs and the Captain left the room to get us some coffee brought in. The kid, Hunter and I all sat down at the table and a minute later, a patrol man came in with a tray with coffee, cream and sugar and sat it down on the end of the table without saying a word then left the room, closing the door behind him.

"Now, first of all, what is your name, son?" I asked.

"Robert. Robert Thompson." He answered.

"How old are you Robert?" Hunter asked.

"19." Robert replied.

"Who do you work for, Robert?" I asked.

"I'm a prospect for the Cobra's MC. I'm not really down with all of this but I'm kind of between a rock and a hard place. I kind of got myself in some trouble and Mambo helped me out. He's the Prez of the chapter of the Cobra's in Colorado, near Springfield. He told me that if I did this run, I would make enough to repay my debt to him and I would become a patched member. All I was wanting to do was repay my debt and then I was going to walk away from it all." Robert told us.

"Son, I hate to tell you this, but if you've been on one of these runs, they are not going to let you just walk away. You will have seen, heard and now know too much. Even if you do repay your debt to them and try to run away, they will hunt you down and kill you. Your best option now is to help us find the young women you have taken. Do that and I'll do my best to get you a lighter sentence.

Okay? So how many girls did you guys grab and where are they?" I asked.

"We have collected 8 so far. They are being held in a house between here and Bolton. There are 6 Cobra's watching them. I can't tell you exactly what they have been put through but I bet it hasn't been good. Those guys are some sick bastards." Robert said. He looked rather pale for a minute as a fine sheen of sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Do you have an address? Can you give us directions?" Hunter asked.

Robert nodded but said, "All I've done is drive. I never actually grabbed any of the girls. I don't know the actual address but the house is set back off the road. We turned off of 287 at a green mailbox that leans pretty badly onto a dirt road about 10 minutes before you get to the Deacon city limits."

"Let me see if I can get a laptop bought in here so we can see if we can find it and get an address." I said and opened the door. I stepped outside as Captain Dickerson came out of the room next door where the window side of the mirror was. He had been watching and listening the whole time. He nodded and walked off down the hall. He came back a couple of minutes later and handed me a laptop. I took it back into the room and brought up google maps. I searched for Deacon Texas and then found Hwy 287 and zoomed into street level. I took small jumps until I spotted a green mailbox on the side of the road.

"Is this the mailbox?" I asked Robert.

"Yeah, that looks like it. Can you turn on that dirt road?" He said, pointing at the screen.

"I hope so. Sometimes it won't let you go down unnamed roads but let's see." I said and clicked small jumps and was surprised it let me proceed. About what I think was about 100 yards off the highway, I could just barely make out what looked like a ranch style house with a wrap around porch. It looked abandoned and in desperate need of repairs.

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