MSMC Bk 3 - Chapter 22

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Chapter 22-Doc goes with Millie for Christmas

Doc's POV

As I walked down the hall after talking to Boxer and Tiana, I had to agree that they were right. I had been dreading and procrastinating about calling Millie all day to tell her we were in lock down and I would not be able to go with her. We had talked about driving up there and back but that would eat up two whole days of our time and frankly I was worried about possibly getting snowed in, which on a romantic level would have been great except that we were going to be staying with her daughter. Plus I couldn't be gone that long and neither could Millie.

Besides, the flights weren't that expensive and it would only take us a little over two hours to fly to Denver if we flew out of Dallas. I walked into the bar and right up to the executive table and asked Rooster, "Rooster, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure Doc! Have a seat. Would you like something to drink?" Rooster asked.

"A sprite, maybe. I'm trying to cut down on the caffeine at night. It keeps me awake." I said.

"Barkeep, bring the Doc a sprite and a glass of ice." Rooster called out. "So what's on your mind, Doc?"

"Well, you already know that I was planning on taking Millie to see her daughter tomorrow for Christmas . Is it still okay with you if I go? She's going to introduce me to her family." I told him.

"Of course Doc. What time do you leave tomorrow?" Rooster replied, almost seeming surprised that I was asking.

"Our flight leaves at 1 pm so we need to leave for Dallas around 9:30 or 10 am if we are going to get checked in on time." I told him.

"Do you need a ride down?" Rooster asked.

"No. We're going to take Millie's car and just park it in the extended parking. We'll be back in four days. That's all the time she could get off from work." I told him.

"Is she going to quit the hospital when you guys get married?" He asked.

"We talked about it and I think she wants to but at the same time, she's not the type of person to sit still for very long. She is already qualified to retire from there due to her length of service but has just been working to keep busy, besides she likes being a nurse." I told him.

"Well, I was going to wait and talk to you both together but do you think she would consider being your nurse here? I mean, it just makes sense, at least from our point of view. If you don't mind working with your lady love and living with her too. Some couples can't do it but I think you and Millie could." Rooster said.

"Would she get paid?" I asked.

"Of course. I don't expect anyone to work for free. Now I may not be able to meet what she gets at the hospital as a head nurse but at least she can still earn an income but not have to work the crazy schedules she does there. And from what I understand, our health plan is better than what the hospital offers its employees." Rooster said. "Where do you guys want to live after you get married? Is she going to come here and share your apartment or are you planning on moving in with her?" He asked.

"I'm not really sure yet. I'd rather stay here but I want her to be comfortable too. She's lived in that house most of her adult life and I think it's going to be hard for her to leave there but at the same time, I feel like I'm moving into her late husband's space. Besides that house is really more than we need. She said that since her kids moved out, they've only each come home once and that's been a long time ago." I told him.

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