MSMC Bk 3 - Chapter 16

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Chapter 16- Another Rescue call

The next morning, I called Church right after breakfast. I had sent Eagle a text letting him know we were having an executive meeting as soon as Church was over and he showed up with his family right as we were walking into the meeting room.

I met him outside in the hall and stopped him from entering the meeting room. "You all good, brother? No incidents last night?"

I asked.

"All good, Prez. Nope, not even a bad dream. Carmella seems to have a good effect on me. She calls me "dada" and the world goes back upright again and then I make love to my wife and she makes it perfect." He said honestly with a grin as he wiggled his eyebrows at me and I couldn't help the chuckle that left my mouth.

"Hey, did you call the lawyer about getting the ball rolling on the adoption papers? I want to get that going as soon as possible." He said.

"Yeah, I did. He's supposed to be getting back to me in a day or two. I have to call him about something else today too but I'll go over part of that in the meeting later. Come on, let's get this going." I told him with a pat on his back.

Church was for all patched members only and I brought them all up to date on what had happened with Dale and that whole situation yesterday. I told them what Dale had revealed to us about Scotty not carrying his name and what his name actually was. I asked Eagle if he wanted to take care of finding out where Scotty's mother was buried and seeing if there was a plot next to her available or not. He agreed and also said he would take care of seeing to it that the coroner recorded Scotty's name correctly.

Eagle also wants to know his actual cause and, if possible, time of death. He said he would contact the local funeral home and take care of getting arrangements made. All he asked from me was to deal with Mona from the state and I agreed. He was really taking this case to heart and after seeing the pictures of that little boy, I could understand why. We all had had cases that had touched us, that we would never forget and Scotty Nelson was the one for Eagle.

He made one final request of us that rather shocked us all. "This little boy had no one but a nice elderly old lady who lived next door who gave him food and a warm place to stay every once in a while when his sperm donor was out getting drunk or whatever, leaving him locked out of his own home sometimes overnight in nothing but what you saw he had on in the pictures. I want to ask some of you to ride with me to Coilney to be pallbearers at his funeral and to see him properly laid to rest, hopefully near his mother."

Hands went up all around the room and I told him. "We will ride as a club. Everyone goes, even the wives and children."

"Thank you brothers." Eagle said.

It was painfully quiet in the room for several seconds but then I cleared my throat and said "Next order of business is welcoming all of our current prospects who are of age as patched members, even Gary. They have all proven themselves, especially after last night. Does anyone have any objection to approving all of them as new members?" I asked and then waited for a full minute for anyone to say anything but no one made any objection.

"We are looking for road name suggestions for seven of them. I already know what name I'm going to give Ethan. He's going to be named "Joker" because that's just what he is. He and his practical jokes make the name perfect for him. If anyone has suggestions for names for the rest of them, please write them down on a piece of paper along with their real names and leave it in a box I will place in the kitchen. Prospects will also be able to offer the names they would like to have but it doesn't guarantee them that we will decide on that name. As soon as I have all the road names, I will order their new cuts." I told them.

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