MSMC Bk 3 - Chapter 12

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Chapter 12- Manuel reveals what's been going on at home.

As we got out of the shower, I heard her phone go off and as I figured, it was her father. A glance at the clock told me that we had slept later than I had realized and it was well after 10 am.

"Hello?" She answered her phone. "Oh, good morning Daddy. Yes, we are up. I just got out of the shower." She listened for a moment and said "Yes, we can meet you in town. We can go to the club's diner and have brunch. We can be there in about half an hour." She told him looking over at me if that was alright and I nodded my head.

We finished dressing and after collecting Carmella from Kaylee and Boomer, who had watched her overnight. We loaded up in the SUV and drove over to the diner. Manuel was waiting in his car for us when we arrived and got out just as we pulled in. We all walked inside and found a table and I got Carmella a high chair and sat her between me and Annalisa.

A minute later, Dana approached our table and the look on Manuel's face was priceless. "Dana?" He asked in wonder and Dana looked like someone had slapped her.

"Manny? Is that really you?" Dana asked.

"Yes. How good to see you again. How are you?" Manuel stood up and embraced Dana. Annalisa had a confused look on her face and even I had to wonder how the two knew each other. I had known Dana for years and had known her husband before he died.

They stood and talked for a moment when suddenly Dana remembered that she was at work and Manuel realized that we were still sitting there with confused looks on our faces.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm being rude. Dana, I suppose you already know my daughter, Annalisa and her husband, Eagle and this little darling girl, is my first grandchild, Carmella. Dana and I dated for quite a while before I married your mother."

"Yes, Manny was snatched away from me but then I met Russell and we had many happy years together before he was killed. Manny, maybe we can talk more later? My lunch rush is about to begin and I have a lot to do to get ready for it." Dana said and Manuel replied. "I'd like that."

"So, what can I get for you folks to drink?" Dana asked. We all chose coffee except we asked for a cup of apple juice for Carmella.

"Where are Helena and Greggory?" Annalisa asked.

"They said they wanted to explore a bit and they walked down the street to the coffee shop." Manuel said.

We sat and mostly made small talk until our food arrived. I answered questions he had about belonging to an MC and my role in it as a weapons expert. After we finished lunch, we took Manuel to our house. I knew that there was a talk that needed to happen and after showing him around and Carmella went down for her nap, we gathered around the dining room table, drinking coffee.

"You have a very nice place here. It's very homey and comfortable." Manuel said as he settled in his chair.

"So Daddy. I've already figured out that Nessa called you and convinced you to come but I take it Mama refused?" Annalisa said.

"First of all, Annalisa, I need to apologize to you for being so blind for so many years about how Isabella and your brother, Joel, were treating you. Even though I had no idea they were mistreating not only you but our staff, I really have no excuse for neglecting my family, especially you.

To be honest with you Annalisa, I was not happy in the relationship with your mother from day one so I buried myself in working so hard to keep ahead of the game in business that I didn't pay attention to what was happening at home enough. Thanks to Helena, my eyes have been opened recently and I found out some things that I had never been aware of before. The long and short of it, Helena will be staying and your mother will be leaving.

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