MSMC Bk 3 - Chapter 15

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Chapter 15- Dale's one way ticket to hell

Eagle's POV

I left Rooster's office and went to look for Annalisa. She was with the other women out on the patio, watching the children run around in the yard. Carmella was trying her best to keep up with Simon and Crystal but her legs were too short and her balance was not as good as theirs.

Annalisa saw me coming and met me halfway. "Hi handsome. Welcome home." She said as she walked right into my arms and I suddenly felt at peace.

"Hello beautiful. Having a good day?" I smiled down at her.

"I am now that you are home safe and sound. Was it bad?" She asked.

"Yeah, the little boy was already dead when we got there. But let's not talk about it okay? Come on, I have something for you. I bought this before I proposed and I totally forgot about it because of the Cobra attack until I noticed it in my saddle bag today." I said as I took her hand and led her out to my bike. When we got there, I opened the saddle bag on the off side, which is one I rarely use.

Normally I use the one on the side that I mount my bike on so it always has stuff in it but the one I had put her stuff in is usually empty or most of it. I had stuffed some kerchiefs in there as well as a pair of riding gloves for colder weather months ago. When I went looking for a kerchief today, I had found the things I had bought at the craft shop the day Hulk and I designed the wedding ring boxes. I pulled out the package and handed it over to Annalisa who looked at me like "what is this?" She pulled out the drawing paper and then the pencils and got a big smile on her face.

"Thank you! I've been meaning to get some new supplies but there just never seemed to be the time lately." She smiled at me as she rose up on her toes and kissed me.

"I want to take you to the shop where I got this and get you some paint stuff too. I wanted to buy some that day but I had no clue what you would want. The lady was asking me questions about acrylic, oil, or water and I must have just looked at her like I was a deer caught in the headlights because she laughed at me and told me to bring you and she would hook you up with everything you will need. I must admit that I did a bit of bragging about your drawings that day." I told her.

"Well, thank you for this. It will keep me busy for a while. Carmella is getting a lot more active now and she really keeps me on my toes now. I don't know how much time I'm going to have for painting for a while. Maybe once she starts school, I can get back into that. I do love to work with water colors because it's so easy to blend them together and you get great effects with it. Acrylics and oils are hard to work with and are messy." Annalisa said.

"Well, whenever you are ready to get back into it, just let me know and I'll take you down there to see what they have. In fact, Hulk and I found something that we would like to do for the guys that maybe you could help us with. They have these wooden motorcycles that we thought would make unique gifts for some of the guys for Christmas if we could get them painted to match their bikes. Could you do that?" I asked.

"I think so. Doesn't sound hard. But you have to promise to help me with some of it. I can do the delicate painting if you will do the bulk painting. Where is this store? Sounds like a place I could spend hours and hours in just looking around." Annalisa said.

"It's the craft store down the street from the antique shop. The lady that runs the place is called Mattie. She's like something right out of the sixties. Tiedye shirt, bell bottom pants, leather headband around her forehead and a big peace sign necklace and the whole nine yards. She helped me and Hulk make those boxes we used to give you and Nessa your rings. I was surprised that I really enjoyed doing that. It was fun." I admitted.

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