Part 35 -The perfect day pt.1

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Sebastian's POV:

It was only within the first minute of me cleaning Y/n up, that she fell flat asleep. God she must be exhausted. I chuckled to myself as I chucked the warm cloth in the laundry to clean tomorrow.

I looked back upon her glorious sleeping figure before realising she still had my belt around her wrists. God how the hell can she fall asleep comfortably with them on? I thought to myself.

I took a minute to admire my little princess in all her beauty and the way she peacefully slept.

All this reminded me of how much we'd been through together and the way this woman has me wrapped around her little pinky and I was all for it. If you would've told me that this woman would've become my whole world in the space of a couple of months I would have called you crazy. But now I'm so glad it did happen.

With a smile on his face, he walked over to Y/n, slowly untangling her wrists from his belt and caressing her wrists, trying my absolute best to soothe them from aching in the morning.

I proceeded to collect everything and wash the gag and the vibrator before returning them all to my drawer and locking it back up.

Changing into his sweatpants, I shuffled into bed, wrapping the covers around Y/n, then pulling her up into my chest. My heart warmed as she nuzzled her head into my bare chest, mumbling softly in her sleep.


Y/n's POV:

You were woken up by light blinding you, blaring through the curtains. There was a sharp ache in your wrists when you attempted to clamber out of bed, still half asleep. Your brain was a bit fuzzy as you stretched your arms out and ran them through your tangled, birds nest of hair.

There was a note on the side of your bed with scruffy handwriting on it.

"There's some water and an Advil on the side for you, (fluturas). I went for a run and if you need me, I'm downstairs preparing lunch.

S xx"

(little butterfly)

Your heart leaped at his little note. There was indeed a bottle of water and an Advil on the side calling out for you. You quickly chugged the water and decided to get up for the day, brushing your hair, washing your face, brushing your teeth and changing into some of Seb's sweatpants and one of his hoodies. No matter how much his clothes flooded your figure, you loved how they smelt of him and how much comfier they were compared to yours.

To no surprise when you walked downstairs, aromas filled your nostrils, the blessed smell of bacon and eggs filling the apartment.

A smile crept up on your face once you saw Sebastian stood over the stove, shirtless with his sweatpants hanging very low on his hips, giving her a glimpse of his v-line. His physique never ceased to amaze her.

"Morning" Her hoarse voice called, not before a yawn had escaped her mouth.

He looked over form the kitchen, chuckling to himself. "Well hello there, sleeping beauty. Did you get enough sleep, princess?"

"Yeah, it was actually great, thanks. I had this funky dream that I was dating you, but it wasn't you. You were Bucky Barnes but like in the mafia and for some reason I was Stark's little sister. It was really wacky, but you had some very sexy tattoos. And I'm hardly a sleeping beauty, I woke up with a birds nest for hair." As you'd rambled on, he listened intently, taking in every word you said and laughing by the end of your little speech, smiling at your antics.

"Well that sounds very eventful, doll. And you're still beautiful with that little birds nest. I thinks it's cute." He laughed as your frowned at his last comment, pushing past him to the fridge, searching for some apple juice (bc apple juice is superior, obvs).

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