Chapter Twelve

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I wake up to the beeping of Audrey's alarm. I look between the leaves covering us both and take note that the sun is now almost straight overhead. That tells me that it's getting close to noon. Which means that Zero and Ian are probably heading to our meeting spot.Which also means that it's definitely time for us to get going.

Next to me, Audrey begins to stir. When she opens her eyes, she looks over at me and groans.

"That was like, what? Two seconds of sleep?" she complains.

"It didn't feel long at all." I agree. "But we should start heading back over to the map. I would hate to be late."

"You're right, I would too." Audrey says reluctantly.

I will admit, when we start leaving the shelter of the trees, we get a few stares. I've gotten kind of used to that though, what with being the misfit in my old town. Audrey seems to feel differently though. She looks super uncomfortable. I nudge her and make a silly face, hoping to help her feel better. She flashes a smile at me gratefully.

When we make it back to the map, Zero and Ian are already there waiting. They both have on new pairs of clothes; Ian is sporting a beige t-shirt and gray shorts (the colors strangely bring out the bright blue of his eyes) and Zero is wearing a plain white shirt with black jeans. Once again, I wonder if Zero's hair is naturally white.

Ian lifts a hand in greeting, to which Audrey and I both wave back. I jog over to stand in front of the map.

"Did you guys get everything you need?" Ian asks.

I nod. "Food, water bottles, clothes, and other necessities. We also got a bit of sleep, so I'm hoping that will help us later on."
"Okay, that's good. We got a bunch of stuff too. We should be all set until we reach more civilization." he replies. Which might not happen anytime soon. I think bitterly.

"Which leads us to our next order of business." Zero informs us. "We need to go into the creepy forest that supposedly will kill us all before we even get the chance to get to the Mithril Towers." He pauses. "Is everyone ready?"

"Yep!" Audrey pumps her fist in the air. Even though she's putting up a brave front, I can tell she's as nervous about this as I am.

"I'm as ready as I can be." I say truthfully. "What about you, Ian?"

"Are you kidding? Murderous enchanted forests that will drive you insane? Sign me up!" the blonde-haired boy exclaims. His infectious energy miraculously seems to melt away all the tension. Pretty soon we're all smiling.

We turn expectantly to Zero.

"Alright." he declares. "Then let's go hear some whispers."

Word Count: 471 

Soon comes the dramaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)

-RS <3

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