Chapter Seventeen

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"Oh, come on Merle, please wake up!"

I try to open my eyes but they feel as heavy as boulders. It's the same thing with my arms and legs. I make a noise to let the others know that I'm awake. It sounds like somebody grunted and sneezed at the same time.

"She's okay!" The voice sounds like Audrey's.

"Hang in there Merle!" I think that one was Zero. I clench my hands.

"Why isn't she opening her eyes?" This time it was Ian who spoke. He sounds scared. I struggle harder. After a bit, I manage to blink my eyes open.

Audrey, Ian, and Zero are standing around me looking worried. I'm laying down on a path. We're still in the Whispering Woods. I realize. I sit up slowly.

"I-i'm okay, guys."

Audrey launches herself at me. "I thought we'd lose you." she murmurs. Zero crouches down beside her.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asks. I give him a thumbs up. He lets out a breath.

"Could you..." Ian sits down beside me. "Could you explain to us what happened?"

I do what he says. Their faces show a range of different emotions, from afraid, to fascinated, to sympathetic. When I explain about Olek, Zero puts his hand on mine. He doesn't say anything, but the look of desperation on his face speaks for him.

I know. He seems to say. I know what that's like. I understand. Let me help you.

I nod at Zero and give him a look of gratitude. I only hope he understands. I'm a bit curious as to what happened to him to make him feel this way, but I'll wait to ask another time

"You know that you could have just told us what was going on." Zero argues. "You didn't have to stay silent when Cronan told you to."

"I know." I look down. "I wanted to know more about what was going on, and I didn't want any of you guys to get hurt."

"But we're your friends!" Audrey exclaims. "We're supposed to be there for you. How can we do that if you don't say what's going on?" I chew on this for a few seconds.

"Okay." I say. "I'll tell you next time."

"You promise?"


I'm so glad to be back with my friends. So glad it's almost unreal. But something seems off. While I was telling the others about my experience in the dark room, I noticed that Zero and Audrey kept glancing at my forehead, and then back at each other. So when I look up to see a silent Ian staring at the same spot they were looking at, it starts to worry me.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask him. He looks away, not responding.

"Uh, Audrey?" Audrey suddenly becomes very interested in her lap.

"Guys, what's going on?" I demand with increasing amounts of anxiety. Nobody responds at first. When I keep waiting for an answer, Zero sighs.

"You know how you passed out?"

"Right." I nod.

"Well, right before you did...." he trails off. When he doesn't finish, Ian walks up to me. His face has that same frightened expression that it did before I got whisked away to Cronan.

"Merle, the Mark of the Birds is on your forehead," he tells me, pointing at my face.



Word Count: 556

Is this lore I smell? I guess you'll find out in the chapters to come!

-RS <3

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