Chapter Twenty Nine

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This chapter is just going to be a winding down of all the events that have happened. A book needs that every so often :)

I'm sitting on the ground. Audrey is on my left side and Zero is sitting on my right. Both are holding my hands. All of us are crying. Partially from shock, a little bit from confusion, but most of it for Ian. For the person he used to be. When I told them about what happened Audrey and Zero seemed to be in denial. Now we begin the long journey of acceptance.

"Where do we go from here?" Audrey asks. Neither Zero nor I can bring ourselves to answer that inquiry. Instead, Zero responds with another question.

"Why don't we set up camp here for the night?" Audrey and I agree readily. We need a break from all the craziness, not to mention time to process what's going on.

As we all lie down to sleep I can't help but wonder what might have been if I had agreed to go with Ian. Would we have been happy together? Would we have made it out of harm's way? He had mentioned something about "accepting an offer." But who was his employer? Was it a powerful person?

Maybe it was a good thing I hadn't gone with him. Then again, I'll never know. It's too late. That door is closed. I need to stop getting caught up in the past.

Word Count: 219

Sorryyyyy, I know it's short but that's mostly because I need to have a question of my own answered. I may or may not be getting close to the end of this book. Do you all think I should start on a sequel? Please answer this, it's IMPORTANT!

For those of you who want to know, the sequel would basically be about Merle, Zero, and Audrey's struggle to get the scroll back from Ian. I'm also considering doing a prequel about when they use the scroll to find and protect the God's Stone. 

If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know!!

-RS <3

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