Chapter Twenty Six

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Hello everyone! Before we start I would like to apologize for not updating in a while. I was with my family for New Years so I was just a little busy. I'm really excited for the next few chapters that I'm going to post, however. All the little details I started putting out in the very beginning of the story will come together very soon :)

Hope you enjoy!

The sky is a beautiful, clear blue. There are barely any clouds to be seen. So far I'm the only one awake, and the air around me is filled with blissful, peaceful silence.

A silence that is broken by an annoying booming voice.

"I see you're awake now."

"CRONAN I SWEAR TO GOD!" I yell back at the Lord of Nightmares.

"Which one? I know of many."

I groan. "Just say what you have to say and get on with it!"

"Oh, feisty are we?" I hear him chuckle.

"Well, you can't just expect me not to be mad!"

"Fair I suppose." I cross my arms and snort indignantly.

"Oh," the voice in the sky continues, "if it makes you feel any better, you passed."

"Passed what?" Zero is sitting up, rubbing his eyes.

"That stupid test he was making us go through," I respond with annoyance.

"Oh, the one we got split up for?"

"That's the one." I glare at what I hope is Cronan's face. The others are slowly stirring as well. I help Audrey sit up. Ian stretches with a yawn. Zero begins to stand but stops when Cronan calls him by name.

"Zero Xanthos. I was watching you during the dragon's battle. You fought with bravery." Zero seems taken aback by the sudden praise.

"Uh...thanks?" was his only response.

"Ian Axel, is it?" Cronan continues. "My eyes were on you also."

"Stalker," Ian mumbles.

"I noticed your strength and resolve. One must use those gifts wisely. Now, Audrey Montgomery." The redhead flinches when he says her name.

"You are no delicate flower by any means. I see great valor in you. Don't waste it."

Audrey straightens when she hears this. "Thank you," she says, surprised.

"And young Merle Raven. What a name that is, isn't it? Powers lie within you that even the greatest warriors cannot tame. Beware the raven as it soars; for when blackbirds fly, worlds are destroyed."

My eyes widen. I'm afraid. Of this quest, of losing someone important to me, but most of all I'm terrified of myself and who I can become. These words stir this feeling inside me. I don't know what to say. How can I respond to something like that? I have no idea, so I don't. I keep silent.

"You must be ready to resume your journey. I will teleport you back now."  Blunt. Then again, sometimes that's the only way to get things across.

The ground rumbles. I feel the same tugging in my gut as I did before. I close my eyes as everything goes faster. When it stops I open them to see the now familiar Whispering Woods.

"At least he put us back on the path." Ian shrugs. I can't help but agree. None of us are really sure what to do at first, so we kind of just stand there for a second. Audrey is the one that takes the initiative.

"Onward!" she yells, pointing a hand in the direction of the path and marching forward.

"Like that movie!" Ian yells back, mimicking her tone and actions.

"The one I never watched!" Zero follows them both.

"The one with the blue people!" It's my turn to copy the group.

"Oooh," Zero nods. "I got it. The one where they all say 'I see you'."

"No! Not that one! That's Avatar."

We trek on for the rest of the day, and most of the night. For once things are pretty much uneventful. On the outside.

I follow Zero, Audrey, and Ian, my brain a swirling mess.

"What a name that is, isn't it?" Cronan had said. What follows is worse.

When blackbirds fly, worlds are destroyed. 

Word Count: 613

Howdy! (My sister tells me that my British accent is weird to have in Texas so I'm trying out a southern accent lmao.)

Did y'all like this chapter? I finally used the title! 

Did you spend time with yer families for the New Year? 

(I can't do this anymore, it's too hard XD)

-RS <3

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