Mr. Wolf bites

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I lay in by bed staring out my windows looking up at the stars in the cold winter night . but then something in the corner of my eye caught my attention, it was my best friend wolf,  but something was off, as he looked directly at me through the glass, his yellow eyes were piercing through my soul, He then charged straight towards the window, with his teeth bared, Wolf smashed through the window as I felt my body slam against the oak wood floor, as the glass scadders to the Floor, I felt the cold ✱✳freezing blow upon me✳✱, as my friend pinned me down.

I felt several sharp teeth pierce through my scaly skin, "Wolf, why are you doing this!?" I screamed out but that made it worse, Wolf began to thrash me around like a ragdoll, as he threw me in a pile of broken glass,

(3rd person P.O.V)

making Mr. Snake bleed out more, Snake struggled to stand up as Wolf pounced on him again, it was obvious Wolf wanted Snake dead, Wolf didn't care about the pieces of glass in his hands or mouth, Wolf was about to kill Snake but Snake wrapped himself around Wolf's neck, choking him 'till he was unconscious.

"Snake, I'll fucking kill yo-"

Wolf said as he hit the floor, Snake was traumatized and heartbroken to think Wolf was going to kill him in cold blood.

Snake opened his door and slithered towards the bathroom to clean himself up.

Tarantula was woken up to Snake's screaming as she heard a loud thud then smelled strong iron in the air Tarantula scampered in the hallway to see Snake opening his door, Tarantula saw how Snakes red Hawaiian shirt was torn
" Snake, what you?" Tarantula said as she looked at snake and was frozen in shock, Snake thought of a lie and thought it up quick as he looked down at the spider and said with a smile "nothing's wrong my dear Tarantula...a rapid raccoon broke my window, Wolf came to help me fight the creature off but it got him and now...he's hurt pretty bad in my can go check on him if you want to."  Snake said as he slithered into the bathroom.

Tarantula walked into Snakes room and saw how Wolf was lying unconscious on the ground in a pile of glass , Tarantula went to wake up Shark, to move Wolf to the couch in the living room, Shark and Tarantula went to go clean up the glass in Snakes room then they realized the trail of blood leading to the bathroom.

"Man, that raccoon must have gotten Snake good." Shark said as he was cleaning up the bloody floor.

"I just hope he's gonna be okay..." Tarantula said as she stared at the bathroom door.

( 3 hours later )

Snake finally shed his skin and picked out the rest of the small pieces of glass in his cuts, Snake finally took the chance to relax in his warm bath water, Snake let out sighs as he cleaned his neck and  cleaned his open wounds with a small hand towel with his tail, but then Snake tasteed the air, he could smell the scent of Wolf walking towards the bathroom door, Snake hissed and strikes at the door before Wolf opens it Snake covers his mouth.

Wolf opened the door and walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him, then Wolf turns on the sink cupped his hands and splashes him self in the face with cold water, to wake him up more, Wolf took a glance at Snake and took another and said "oh I didn't see you there Snake good..mor..ning..."

Wolf saw the yellow reptiles red Hawaiian shirt and saw how big the hole was in his shirt. " Snake what happened to your favorite shirt?" Wolf said as he picked up Snake's shirt. " AHH!" Wolf screamed as his hands started to hurt for some reason, he looked at his hands to see shards of glass in the palm of his hands,(haha! karma!) as he looks down at his hands he saw a huge trail of dried up blood leading to the tub.

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