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Wolf walked out of the operation room, out into the hospital hallway, with a loss for words, knowing his friend is gone and so was his heart.

Wolf walked up to Shark, Piranha, and Tarantula, and said in a cold tone " 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐥𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐠𝐨 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭, 𝐢𝐭'𝐬...𝟔:𝟎𝟗 "Wolf said as he lifted his right arm checking the time on his watch and put his hands in his pockets as he walked towards the elevator waiting for Shark, Piranha, and Tarantula to catch up.

then pressed the floor button, as they walked in the door and out on the first floor, to check them out of the hospital.

Wolf walked up to the checkout counter and asked the man at the counter to check them out, the man started to type on the computer "Your total is-" Suddenly his face dropped
"What the. . . what happened? "The man at the counter said in a confused tone as he rebooted the computer but nothing changed. Then the black office phone next to the man at the counter started ringing, he pick it up " Hello?...hmm ok so it's paid for... Aww I'm glad he loves the Egg,... Oh, can you get me his autograph? .... SWEET ok Bye."

The man at the counter looked up at Wolf and his remaining friends "You can go it's been paid for already "the man at the counter said smiling.

Wolf gave the man at the counter a confusing stare " ...𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲..." Wolf said as he walked out of the hospital out on the pavement into the parking lot, hopped in the car, and drive back to the entrance to pick up Shark, Piranha, and Tarantula.

Shark, Piranha, and Tarantula climb in the black convertible with the hood up to keep the cold weather out, they buckle up the seat belts and drive home.

They drove up to the garage and parked the car inside of it, then slowly one by one they all climbed out and walked into the house, feeling empty inside, Wolf walked down the hallway, took a glance at Snake's Door, then went to his room and locked himself inside.

Wolf leans his back against the door, sliding down into a curled ball, then he looked down at his hands in Despair then remembers he still had glass in his hands, Wolf started to dig out some of the big Glass pieces with his claws, but there was still some small sharp needle-like strands of Glass in his hands, with steady hands, and heart drenching thoughts.

Wolf managed to get the remaining glass out of his hands then, sat there looking up at the ceiling in his bedroom

" 𓆩𝐖𝐇𝐘 𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐈𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐌 !𓆪" Wolf scream's out in Rage looking up at the ceiling.


Wolf was Shocked when he heard himself say that " all I care about was the fact he loved Diane. "

Wolf picked himself up, then walked towards his drawer with a built-in mirror on top, and looked into the mirror, " What is wrong with you !, who are you, ya sure I get it your friend is dead and that's-"

Wolf stopped himself as he looked at the mirror and saw a huge mark on his neck ." what the? " Wolf rubs his neck examing the mark on his body
"When did that get there?" Wolf said questioning the mark like it would be able to answer his questions, suddenly Wolf heard a knock at his door.

"Hey Bubba are you all right? .you have been in there all morning. " Piranha asks worried. "I'm fine, I'm just confused," Wolf says in reply opening the door and seeing Piranha in the doorway.

" Wolf what happened to you, You look like you've seen better days! "

Piranha exclaimed in shock seeing the white of Wolf's eyes were a tint of red then saw a huge bruising covering his neck.

" what do you mean? "

Wolf asked looking down at Piranha lifting a eyebrow suddenly Wolf heard a constant sound of a slow beep, Wolf check his surrounding then looked down at his watch on his wrist then put his watch up to his ear but didn't hear the sound coming from his each.


Piranha said in an irritated tone as wolf cocked his head paying attention to piranha.

" umm no I wasn't please repeat. "

" Wolf you need some fresh air, and no offense a shower you smell of rotten flesh. "

Piranha said giving looks of worry, Wolf let out a nervous chuckle.

" on it "

Wolf quickly manage to grab a pair of clothes and quickly ran towards the bathroom, Wolf closed the bathroom door and thought to himself " I smell like rotten flesh?" Wolf smell checks himself then realize why he smells so bad " Oh right I didn't take a shower after we have gotten home "

Wolf took off his shirt and jacket, Wolf looked down at his shirt which was white but now crimson. Wolf slide his hand across the dried blood on his shirt smelling the scent on his hands and letting it fill up his lungs.

something inside of Wolf grew as he could taste the scent on the tip of his tongue causing his mouth to water, as he slowly crept the tainted cloth closer to his face.

" HEY! Wolf me,Weps an Piranha will be heading towards the store do you want anything ? "

Wolf let out a sharp gasp then quickly cleared his throat " No thanks guys . " Wolf yelled over the door
" Alrighty " Shark said as he walked away from the Bathroom door.

Wolf looked up at the mirror and back at the his Shirt in his hand Wolf let go of the shirt letting it hit the ground. Wolf climbed in the shower lathering himself up.

As Wolf was in the shower he didn't realize how much blood his fur has soaked up Wolf scrubs 2 gallons of blood out of his fur making him shower three showers until he felt clean.

Wolf hopped out of the shower drying himself off , grabbing his shirt off of the floor and place it with his laundry but Felt something strange tuck in the end of the sleeve, Wolf pulled out a thin piece of what felt like sharp plastic from the crimson sleeve .

upon further inspection Wolf realized it was a snake scale .

Wolf felt his eyes start to tear up as the memories flash before his eyes

" this can't be real , this all feels like a bad mess of a dream. " Wolf said looking down at the snake scale.

Wolf heard the slow beeping again wolf felt like he was going insane then a tick wint off in his brain seeing the truth the snake didn't wanted to say .

His heart sink as he remember what happened on that night " NO! " Wolf said screaming in bloody murder as he crumbles to the floor.

" please Wolf please wake up. " Wolf heard a familiar voice .

(1187 words)

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