sneaky snake

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3 days later

late at night snake went to a store and bought some dark pantyhose with cash from his wallet, as snake slipped on the pantyhose and covers his hole body ,  pulling the lose end of the legs over his nose forming a mask as he then went around town  unlocking every vending mashing and candy dispenser along with garbage lids as snake was wrecking havoc around town as he was warming himself up to the big guns.

Snake had a great big smile on his face as he slithered up a nearby tree into a bank, as he quickly got up of a tree and onto the roof, sliding into the vents as, he had his eyes set on a very shiny prize as snake killed the power to the building by ripping out the wires of a fused box .

He slithered down into the vent hovering above a ring but then fell down "ow" he forgot how harder it was to do this alone without piranha anchoring you down or Wolf holding onto you like a rope.

Snake let's out a sigh as he looked at the shiny prize of the velvet heart ring, snake then reached out and grabbed it from display , quickly snuck out of the bank Onto the streets glideing across the sidewalk thinking about all the good, bad times he and wolf had together, along with piranha, tarantula and shark. Remembering the plans they made and the late nights they stayed up together, thinking about how angry they could make the chief of police at the starting of the day.

Snake was a block away as he heard the sounds of police sirens filled up the streets, he quickly slithered in a alley way and out of the view, from the streets , as. He walked down the alley feeling his anxiety struck through the roof.

Knowing if he gets caught, it will make the good guys look bad.

Snake then climbed up a side of a building as his body grips onto the ruff griddy surface of the bricks, then to the roof of a building sprinting across roof after roof, covering more ground, till he was out of breath,

Snake pulled down the part of the pantyhose he was using as a face mask and stopped to catch some air as the strong August wind blows against him nearly caused him to fall off Over the edge , if he didn't bite the lip of the roof .

But snake wasn't out of the clear yet, he had to climb back up as the gust of winds blew on him harder causing him to slip and fall.

Snake closed his eyes shut seeing his life flash before his eyes, "this is it.....isn' think I never felt love before.. "  snake saw him and the bad guys walked into the galla doors " No.. I did.. And I bet he did too.. He told me how he felt in the end...but I love him more than anything else...and I let him down....i shouldn't have gotten in between you and Diane..i shouldn't have gotten involved in your life...i should have, I should have been happy for you...but no.. I'm just a dirty old snake."

Snake felt the air fall around his body start to pick up speed as his tail flag in the wind , he relaxed his body , letting out a deep breath accepting his fate.

Feeling all of his worry's drift away as he kept his eyes shut. Plummeting  to the ground

he felt two arms wrapped around him, and a hard thump, snake open his eyes to meet a darkened brown wolf who fell on his bumb

with snake in his arms, snake looked up at wolf as he kissed him .

Snake was still in Wolf's arms as wolf was still sitting on the ground, starring at the snake in pantyhose, snakes hole face turned red as they stare at each other in awkward silence .

"I-i-I'm sor-"

Wolf holds snake close to him given him a hug. " Shush... It's okay.. Just...stop falling for me okay." Wolf said with a chuckle as he cracked a joke. "And that kiss.... " wolf continues, looking down at the snake with pantyhose covering his body like a cat in a sleeve, hearing the police sirens roar off in the distance.

Snake leaned his head against Wolf's chest "I'm sorry" snake let's out a tear as he looked up at Wolf " for what? " Wolf  said as he looked down at snake as Wolf was still flat on his ass with his legs slightly bent in the middle of the side walk.

"For... Everything, mostly hurting you.. I, I didn't know what to do when you got hit, by that van, but now as I think about that day, I realized, I should have told you sooner, and I should have met it,..i thought I was going to lose my best friend, and I almost did. "

Snake then wrapped his coils around, Wolf's hands , holding them, looking up into Wolf's orange eyes "wolf , ever since our 8th Heist together, I was afraid of telling you....because I thought you would walk away . but I can't hold it back anymore,... Yes I did asked Diane to brake up with you, but that's because I wanted to tell you how I felt,..Wolf I love you. "

Wolf stare at snake Flabbergasted as he let's out a chuckle. "Snake." he caressed snakes cheeks and lift up his chin makeing him look deeply in his eyes.

Snake was still blushing as he was in a state of shock, as wolf was looking at snake not in hate, or disappointment but a soft smile on his face " are you drunk?. " Wolf said with a smile as he was still holding snake by the chin looking down at him. "No.. I'm Hurt.."

Snake said as he looked at wolf holding onto his chin then lifted up his head, letting out a sigh looking down in defeat , then back at wolf, in silence.

Wolf felt confused as he was sitting next by his best friend who he just caught and kissed him, then confessed his feelings towards him, but wolf didn't know if he felt the same towards snake.

Wolf hugs snake closed to him "I miss you, I'm sorry I yelled, and I'm sorry I hurt you snake. "  said wolf holding snake close to him. "I just don't know what to do, I didn't mean to hurt you, and your egg, I was drunk and I killed you, I'm so sorry snake. "

Wolf said crying into snake , as snake listen to wolf " what are you talking about?, I'm still alive, I'm okay, Wolf I'm right here, I see you."  "No your not, I'm in a coma still and you, your dead because of me, I didn't get to you fast enough and now you're just a gost of my friend in a dream!" Wolf said as he was holding onto snake tight.

Wolf was braking down as tears streamed from his face "snake I'm scared, I don't know what to do, I don't know who I am, I don't want to be the monster in my story, I just want you to be here, I miss you snake, I miss you so much. "

the dark brown wolf in a white Suit and Tie was crying like a scared child into his friend not knowing if he was real, or just imaginary , but snake didn't like how much pain wolf was going through.

Snake rest his head against Wolf's chest then glance up at him "hey, it's okay, your just scaring yourself, I see you, I feel you, you and I are real. "

"But what if I already dead and all of this is just a memory of my life and Im watching with God, and.. I'm going to hell aren't I?! "

"Wolf, hey no, no stop thinking like that, you sound scared out of your mind, but I'm here, I'm here to tell you, your not dreaming, your not in a coma anymore, were in real life. " snake said as he wrapped wolf in his coils

"your still a hugger right? " snake said with a chuckled as he didn't looked up at wolf who was in a bit of shock and horror but was slowly getting a grip on himself , looking down at snake then hugs deeply into him.

wolf let's out deep breath with a soft "Thank you"  as he found his head and except that he was still alive, and he was with the real snake.

He let's out a chuckle as he looked down at snake and wiped away a tear from his eye "see you are a sweetheart" wolf said as he looks down at snake. "And your a good boy." Snake said as wolf felt his fur stand on end as he looked at snake feeling something. He then gave him a soft  smile as he lets out a scuff  ,wolf was now feeling better, then he picked snake up in his arms " you look like you just robbed a place. "  "i did "  "what? "

Wolf said as him and snake walked home "I love you wolf. " snake said with a smile " I love you more . " wolf said leaning his forehead into's snakes  as they walked together down the street .

( back into the game baby)

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