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2 months later

Piranha was holding a card that had a Chihuahua wearing a Sombrero that says adios , in his hands, as he looked at the gifts and cards surrounding the bed at wolf was in

Snake was on the side of the hospital bed resting one of his coils holding Wolf's hand gently squeezeing it from time to time hoping it just might wake him up. As snake was watching wolf thinking about the fun times they had thinking about the things he wanted to tell him but never got the chance to.

Snake had tears streaming down his eyes slowly running down his face as he sobbed softly looking at wolf and thought of the worst, never seeing his smile or hearing his voice again .

Snake looked across the room seeing his friends crushed and heart broken at the state wolf was in as they were listening close to the heart monitor like it was a timer ticking down.

Weps gulped as she felt the Thick Ttention in the air as they all stared at the heart monitor terrified of it going flat. As they sat in the room in silence waiting for the outcome.

Beforehand (a week ago) the gang had the money talk of how long before they can't pay for the vet bills anymore, and they discussed about paying for 1 more week before eventually pulling the plug .

Snake looked back at wolf with a hurtful stare as Diane opened the door and walked in " hey guys ... What's with the look of Death? , oh. . . . . . If you need help with the medical bills I'll gladly apply, you don't have to do this. " Diane said with a voice of hurt, snake slowly tilted his head " we only have 20 minutes left before they pull the plug, and I-I-I don't know, I want to tell wolf how I feel, but but I don't want to tell him these things for the first and the last time-" Diane place her hand on snakes bandage right on the shoulder if he had one then said.

" Snake if you don't tell him you love him . . . Even on his Deathbed then that's just sad. "

Snake felt Diane Punch through his heart as he glances back at wolf sleeping soundly as then back a Diane as they he suddenly heard the heart monitor go flat .

" NO! " Snake screamed bloody murder as he squeezed Wolfs hand hard " NO NO NO WOLF PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME, PLEASE WOLF WAKE UP, PLEASE DON'T!" Snake tears were dripping down his face on to the side of the bed.

As he beg to to wake up " Wolf.. please Wolf please wake up. " snake said as he sobbed wanting this nightmare to end as he heard the flatline of the heart monitor ring in his ears

" snake? "

Barely a whisper was made as snake looked up at Wolf who was sitting up and was generally confused on what is going on and why was snake holding his hand so hard " what , are you trying to brake my hand?, what,. . . OH GOD I BIT YOU !" 

Wolf said backing away as he looked at snakes neck as he almost fell off of the bed , shark ran and catches him from falling " whoa  easy Wolf, Snake knows you didn't mean to hurt him, you only where keeping him safe. I'm just  surprise you didn't lose a rib?"  Shark said as he pushed wolf up back on the medical bed .

Piranha was confused as he looked at the flat heart monitor and back at Wolf "Dead man walking ,Dead man walking!"  piranha scream as the rest of the gang including Diane chuckled.

Snake then laughs hysterically as he realized wolf wiggled in his sleep loosing up the sensor from his pulse as it had fallen in the crack of the bed between the plastic wall and the mattress.

         ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Wolf felt a sense of shock

  looking at the stitches in his hands,arms and legs as he then glances at all of his friends as the nurses help him stand up, and looked at how the Mattress hug the sides of his body, leaving a trace outline of his body

the mattress had sink caseing the back of his arms and legs  , as he moved his arms and legs hearing that sticky Velcro sound , as he maneuvers and loosens his body and rub the back of his stuff neck.

" how long have I been out for?"Wolf said as he lean the back of his neck into his hand "2 months. " Wolf's eyes widen hearing the orange knee tarantula say that as she Craws from sharks shoulder to the wall.

"2 months?!"  Wolf said nearly falling over as the Nurse's caught him and gave Wolf a Dog treat along with  some pain medicine and ear mite killer gel. As he heard the sound of cats meowing and dogs barking out of the open door leading to the hall

Then wolf realised "you brought me to a vet?! , did you get me neutered too?! " Wolf said offended "I at least took you to the hospital when you were bleeding out. " Wolf raise his voice as he pointed at snake, snake was confused of what wolf said and he explained.

"But wolf we did took you too the Emergency Center and they told us they didn't take animals, hey at least this vet takes care of Exotics." Snake said as he glances at wolf and saw how his legs where trembling "Wolf you okay? " snake said as he slithered over to wolf and helped him stand up straight. Letting wolf use him as crutchesh  , then shark helped snake with wolf letting him stand  as he snapped

"Will you two get off!"  wolf raise his voice as he pushed his two friends away from him, looking at wolf in shock as he shudder in rage.

"I-I-I am so, I risked my life for you and you repay me by, putting me in a vet for 2 mouths!"  Wolf yelled at snake as he pointed his finger at him "what where you gonna do if I didn't wake up, Eth-euthanize me like a Dog!" snake stand there in shock as his best friend wolf snarled and growled at him.

"Wolf..... I would, I would do it so you wouldn't suffer.. I would do it.. Because I loved you-" wolf yelled directly in Snakes face "BULLSHIT!, I COULD HEAR YOU TALKING ABOUT PULLING THE PLUG, THE ONLY ONE WHO TRIED TO SAVE ME WAS DIANE! -DIANE STILL LOVES ME, So Why Don't You Back Off You Heartless Snake. "

Wolf said with a cold tone at the end , Snake was at the verge of tears as he slithered as fast as he could out of that room "Snake!" Diane cryed as she chased after him but was stopped when a baby elephant was getting there check up in the hall .

"Not cool Bubba, not cool. " piranha said as he jumped in Wolf's face trying to stare him in the eyes  as webs raise her voice "Heartless!, you called your best friend, who's been with you longer than all of us heartless! , and instead of fighting you like back at S. C. U. M. He ran away. "

"I think I saw a tear in his eyes" Shark said still processing what just happened with Snake and Wolf  , as Wolf glares at Diane in the door way then turned his back away from thim all as he looks out the window watching the scenery

"I'll show you heartless"


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