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As Wolf was following Diane and Snake as they walked on the sidewalk wolf started to feel on edge, none of the bad guys like Secrets being kept from them especially if it's from one of their own friends.

Wolf begin to stalk The Fox and the Snake as he begin to think .

" what is Snake hiding, what does he have bad ,is it fleas or ticks? , or does he want to go back to being bad? Maybe he misses the rush but he doesn't want to tell me, that would make sense why he thinks I don't want to be friends with him, I just kind of know I can't take it anymore. "

Diane and Snake walk across a road to meet up with the rest of the Bad guys, Diane turns to Snake " I had a lot of fun with you Snake and thanks for buying me this beach towel. " Diane said holding up a paper bag " oh ,
no problem I just wanted to know what it felt like to buy someone something with your own money , it's actually good practice for me just in case I do tell Wolf. "

" Tell me what Snake? " Snake skin began to Crawl as he heard the deep cool voice of his best friend, " WOLF! " snake said as he clear his voice
" Wolf . . . Were you stalking us ? "
" No! " Wolf said with zero hesitation as he thought up a lie " I was just wondering where you are and here I find you with Diane?!, what is this a date ? "

" no Wolf it's just a friendly outing with a friend. " said Diane , Wolf gave a sarcastic smirk " Cute. " Wolf said in a tone letting out a sigh as he rolled his eyes facing snake " so what is it you want to tell me ? " Wolf said as Snake slither onto the road. " snake be careful please " said Diane , Snake let out a short laugh as he turned toward Diane " really Diane? He's my best friend he won't-"

Snake turned his head to see Wolf, lunges himself towards Snake, Snake felted Wolf sink his teeth into his neck and his claws into his sides , as a panic reaction snake wrapped his tail around Wolf's neck squeezing it hard , until wolf threw him across the road onto the sidewalk .

Snake gasps for air as he felt the adrenaline pump through his veins
" WHAT THE HELL WO-" Snake Yelled out in anger but stopped midsentence hearing a vehicle Screech away as he saw wolf's body lay lifeless on the road "NONONONO WOLF! ," Snake bolted down the road cradling wolf in his arms.

Snake cried at the top of his lungs.

(453 words)

( more will be coming soon sorry I forgot about this story)

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