Please don't go

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Warning⚠⚠ this page , contain a subject that might upset some reader's.


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(5 hours later)

< 2:00 pm >

Shark, Piranha, Tarantula and Wolf are nervously waiting next by the operation room sitting in green chairs , waiting for the results, a nurse came slowly walking out of the operation room wearing a blue shirt with gloves and mask and a cap on .

She took her mask off and said with heavy words " I'm sorry for your loss. Mr Snake didn't make it through his Operation . " Wolf stand up shaking his head In disbelief.

" no h-he can't be " " sir we tried all we ca- WAIT DONT GO IN TH-! "

Wolf ran into the operation room and saw a lifeless snake body lye on the operation table.

Wolf walked towards his dear friend and cradle his body in his arm hugging him one last time .

" Please don't go " Wolf said with a breaking voice letting his tears fall down as he cried with his friend in his arms " P-Please don't g-g-go " wolf said letting out a howl cry . 🌹

As the real Mr snake lay in Darwin's hospital bed , knowing what he did .

_____( 5 hours before the big change )_

Snake was laying in a hospital bed then sat up to see a brown snake that looked exactly like him.

sitting across from him in a hospital bed sitting on the side of the hospital bed like a chair , resting on cane and said with a soft voice .

" hi there.. Mr Snake it was , my name is Darwin Hiss Brownmay , but most of my fans call me Mr Hiss . "

Snakes eyes grew wide as he said with excitement raising his head.

" your Mr Hiss- Ahh! " Snake clench in pain as he curled up in a ball .

" hay easy there Mr Snake. I don't want you to ruin that young body of yours. " said Darwin letting out a small chuckle .

" I see how that bad wolf thinks ." Darwin

" what! , wolf  wouldn't hurt a fly

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" what! , wolf wouldn't hurt a fly."

" really look at you, look at what he did to you little snake! , never in my life have I seen a snake this abused before! "

" umm no you got it all wrong I'm not neglected or Abused "

" said the snake that can barely lift up his head! "

" ... So what ...I had a great life . I'm 57 year's old anyways . Maybe it's time for me to kick the bucket. "

" listen here little snake, I'll give you a once in a lifetime opportunity but once you entered , you can't get out, you can't go see your so call friends unless they prove their worthy. Plus you'll get everything your heart desires. "

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