what he doesn't know.

15 1 0

it was a beautiful day the sun shining birds singing , it was your ordinary nice day . Me and the gang were driving to the beach like we always do.

" Snake ya got your sunblock with you? " Shark said as he place the sun chairs in the trunk " you bet I do. " Snake said with a smile while he looks up at shark .

" do we have everything ? " Wolf said as he walked up to the black convertible with the keys in his hands, " yep that's everything . " webs said as she checked off the list, Shark closed the trunk, piranha place the cooler on the floorbord and the plastic thupper with sandwiches and chips

( the ones in bags not potato straws )

Snake sits in the passenger seat next by Wolf , Wolf took a glance at snake and saw him Whering a new button up baby blue shirt with lilac hearts .

Then looked up at the road starting out of the car " everyone have their seat belts on ? "  Wolf said driving the car out of the driveway " yes Wolf we have our seatbelts buckle " Webs replied .

Wolf made a left turn using the blinkers, and turned up the radio playing owl city - Good time.

" Good morning and good night,
I wake up at twilight,
It's gonna be alright."

Wolf singed as he had a huge smile drawn on his face as he elbowed Snake.

" Come on you know the words. "

Snake let's out a sigh.

" Fine, We don't even have to try
It's always a good time"

Piranha, Shark an webs joined in the fun " woah oh oh oh! "  they all sing together ." we don't even have to try it's always a good time! "  Wolf stopped at a red light waiting for it to turn green.

Wolf took a right turn, As webs asked Wolf a question " isn't Diane coming?" Wolf was driving down the main road then said " oh ya I forgot. . . Diane has a very important thing she has going on-Governor like things. " Wolf said shrugging it off of his shoulders as he drove down the main road  .

( aka the main road into a busy City with buildings and street lights yeah ya get the picture )

Wolf pulled up to a side curve coming up to a stop   , Wolf parked the car next by a shop " all right let's get this party started. " Shark said as he unbuckle himself and climbed out of the car , opening the back, Snake was helping shark carrying all the beach equipment " wow snake you're awfully helpful today ? " Shark said as he was holding the foldable Sun chairs.

" What do you mean by that ? " Snake  lifted up his head giving Shark a confused stare.

" Who's the lucky fella? " Shark said with a smile full of excitement as snake grabs his bag that has his bathing suit in it " pfft Shark I'm not seeing anyone . "  " that's exactly someone would say when they're seeing someone. "

  Snake darted across the sand like a bullet nothing but a brown blurr of blue was seen as he picked out a spot to sit on the beach . he set up the beach umbrella and his sun chair as Snake rush back to the car and pulled out the rest of the chairs , running to the spot and quickly  set up the chairs than ran back meeting his friends halfway then Snake said to wolf  " hey Wolf what time is it ? " Wolf looked  down at his watch as he lifted his wrist up " it's 9:08 am. " Wolf said as he glances up at Snake seeing nothing but a dust cloud " Where he go? " piranha said pulling out the cooler , making something fall of of the. . .

( damn it ok I hate how I have describe something that I do not know the name of but it's so obvious what it is , it's the little car box in between the driver in the passenger seat it's  not the tool box that's in front of the passenger it's on the side of the passenger in the driver sometimes it has little hinges and other times it doesn't and sometimes your mom uses it to hide candy from ya , little box thing that you place your phone on top of and sometimes it gets eaten by the little crevices on the side ya that thing. . . .)

Well anyways Snakes wallet slid off of that thing onto the floor in front of Piranha " Hey He forgot about this. " Piranha said as he hold out a Wallet that reads Snakes in black Sharpie " here I'll go hand it to him " Wolf said as Piranha handed over the Wallet to Wolf , then Wolf ran after Snake .

Wolf ran down the concrete sidewalks with snakes wallet in his hands  as he searches for his friend , Wolf stopped  and lean against a small building nearby the beach.  Then wolf took a long stare at his surroundings.

As Wolf stared at the Dark Forest Green Bricks Built into the building he realized he was leaning on a small Cafe next by the beach . then he looked across the Road Where the Sidewalk connects to the sandy beach watching kids play mother's relaxing on Beach benches and the fathers discussing about fishing spots or staring at girls they shouldn't but as wolf was staring closely in the sand he saw a strange S design in the sand, within an eye shot he saw snake talking to a tall slim and beautiful Fox.

Wolf recognize the Fox  " what is Snake doing with Diane?! " Wolf said shocked " no no no don't get ahead of yourself he's probably . . . telling her sweet nothings as they go on a romantic walk on the beach-No Wolf Snake is your friend he would never try to steal your girl . Unless he knows that-Dose he because- she didn't drop me for him. . . Did she?" Wolf says as he glances over his shoulder " AH! -oh hi didn't see you there,ok umm now's not a good timing, yes I know you guys just Adore me-the bad guys and all that but not right now.  but that doesn't matter , what matters is WHAT IS SNAKE DOING WITH HER, AT THE BEACH! '

Wolf whisper yelled at the reader before turning his attention to Snake and Diane , who turned their heads toward his Direction Before sweeping behind a small building .

As they walked into a cafe Wolf  followed them outside the store has they sat on the open balcony Wolf snuck under the balcony and ease drop on their conversation.

After Diane and snake order strawberry boba Diane Gave Snake a smug grin, as she replied sunblock.
" so Snake I did my part of the deal what about yours?"

Snake stared  down at the table as his eyes slowly glance up into Diane's " I-I-I can't, Diane I'm too scared, what if I do and Wolf doesn't want to be friends with me anymore...How do you tell someone, how can you tell someone that, that thing that dumb thing  , I just can't believe...did I do the wrong thing? , . . . Diane I'm sorry about everything after this can you please get back together with Wolf ?. . . . . It's not too late now is it?!"

Diane let out a sigh as she crossed her arms " a week I'll get back with him in a week, giving you time to tell Wolf. " Snake gave Diane a smile " oh thank you Diane I just don't wanna see him gloomy, but I don't think I can "

" Snake you got this if you can crack any safe in the world why not Wolf's."

" because after the fight at the prison, I was hurt deeply by wolf  , and I don't want to deepen the scar, it's just I Hate him so much, but it kills me to. "

" looks like someone gots it bad."  Diane said with a chuckle  " got what bad? " Wolf said to himself in a questionable tone.

Wolf stayed under the dock until two left the cafe.

( welp that's all folks , no not really I'm just done writing this chapter because it's currently 12:00 in the morning)


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