(3) Three Hide, Three Seek

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Sunoo liked his spot on top of the giant stuffed bear.

It was like a pillow that was just really large, and made for a good nap space. Right now the members were downstairs in their custom basement space. Only the littles really spent time down there, along with one other member to supervise them.

In this case, the member of choice was Jay.

"What did you make Riki?"

"Play-doh rabbit! Look like Sunie."

Niki held up a pink rabbit he made from his giant play-doh set.

"Good job. It does look like Sunie."

The aforementioned little was busy watching cartoons with Jungwon on the TV in the room.

Since this morning, the littles have spent the entire day playing around and maybe stressing out today's supervisor.

"Jay? Can I have snack?", Niki asked.

"Of course you can. Do you want me to get it for you?"

"Yes yes!"

Jay got up and walked to the steps leading up to the first floor.

Niki smiled to himself when the door closed before going over to the other two littles. Sunoo and Jungwon watched as he opened the toy chest before walking back over to them.

"Hi babies! Want to play game?"

Both Sunoo and Jungwon nodded in agreement.

"We play hide and seek from Jay. Let's go.",

He helped the babies up and put them in their hiding spaces. Sunoo was in the closet of the basement, and Jungwon was under the giant teddy bear.

Niki climbed inside of the toy chest and closed the lid.

"Hehe...gonna be so funny.", he whispered to himself.

Jay came back down the steps with several bags of chips and some microwaved strawberries.

He placed them down on the small table before noticing he didn't see the boys. The room seemed...empty.

"Hello? Babies? Riki?"

He looked around the room, confused as to how it was empty.

"Come on you three, come out now."

He listened for any sounds of movement, but didn't hear anything. He went back up the steps, maybe the went upstairs and he didn't notice?

Entering the living space, he was greeted by Jake.

"You alright man? You look nervous."

"Did the littles come up here? I don't see them."

"Not that I'm aware of. Did you see anyone Sunghoon?"

He turned around to reveal said member sitting on the couch.

"No. Why?"

At this point, Jay was starting to minorly panic.

He quickly went back down to the basement.

"Guys come on! I know you're in here!"

He started looking all around the room. His first place was the wardrobe. In the basement was a wardrobe that consisted of lots of outfits for when the maknae line were little. The closet next to it held toys that couldn't fit in the toy chest.

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