(13) Never Let Me Go <Pt.1>

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(Highly recommended song attached above. Show it some love.)

(Chapter dedicated to Imnotasimp-_-orami who has commented on every chapter. Hi.)

"It's okay sweetie, you don't have to get up."

"Why up so early daddy?", Jungwon said.

"I'm excited for today. But you can go back to sleep."

"M'kay, love you daddy."

"I love you too."

Jungwon was sleeping next to Jay that night. The little didn't want to leave his side.

As the little slowly fell back asleep, Jay laid awake in the bed. He was thinking about today.

They were taking the littles to an amusement park to film for a new episode of their show. One of the older members had to be the supervisor of them for the entire day.

Sure enough, Jay was voted in.

But eventually Jay, Heeseung, Jake, and Sunghoon had chosen to stay on the sidelines, watching from a distance much like the original plan with the haunted house.

It was currently just after four in the morning.

A soft knock came on Jay's door.

"Come in!", he whispered.

Jake peeked in.

"Hi roomie. I left my house slippers in here. And I want to go downstairs to get some water. Can I get them?"

"Of course. Just be quiet because Jungwon just fell asleep again."

"Oh how quickly you have replaced me with your love."

"Shut it."

"So I'm right?"

"Get your slippers please. And who's room are you staying in?"

"I'm camping out with Heeseung. We saw that stray dog again. It looks like she's going to have her puppies soon."


"Yeah! I'll tell you more about it when we get up later. Bye now."


Jake quietly closed the door, leaving with his slippers.

Jay stared at the ceiling. He was still worried about one thing.

Where was Mr. Kire?

He had faith that the police would find something. But then again, the man was a ghost. He could just hope nothing went wrong today.

Six Hours Later

"I wear shorts?", Sunoo asked.

"Sure you can sweetheart.", Sunghoon said.

Everyone was awake now, including Jay's triplets, who were getting dressed after breakfast.

"I wan go on roller-coaster!", Niki yelled, holding onto Heeseung.

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