𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟖

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"What the hell is going on here?" Taehyung ran out of his office room after hearing two women yelling in the hallway.

"Sir, this woman is insulting me for something I didn't do on purpose" Maia swiched her personality in a second. She put on an innocent puppy face in front of her boss. It's what she knows the best.

"Oh, so you say you didn't do that on purpose... Just look at how me and my dog look right now. You spilled your drink on me. No, actually you ran and fell on me with all of this" y/n pointed out the upper part of her outfit ruined by a cup of coffee.

"Maia, is this how we trained you to work with our business partners? How can you explain yourself? Apologize" Taehyung took a good look at y/n and her dog all wet from coffee. He knew deep down that his secretary was a jealous brat without etiquette when she loses her mind. Also, it was obvious that she needed to apologize to y/n, who's brand a new business partner.

"Apologize? Me?" Maia's eyes went wide. She watched Taehyung, to make sure that she heard him good. When her boss's facial muscles didn't move any way different to show that he was just saying things, she knew that it was time to drop her ugly attitude and do what she was told to.

"I'm sorry. It was a mistake"

"A mistake? Hah" y/n laughed out of anger.

"You think that everything will be solved just by you apologizing to be with this insincere physiognomy? At least try to look like you're sorry"

"I would really like to apologize for what I did... It's my fault. I will pay for your clothes to be cleaned" Maia took a deep breath before finally apologizing in a proper way. She was shaking out of madness inside of herself while acting nice to y/n, which looked like a new obstacle between her and Taehyung.

"I'm sorry too for what my personal assistant did to you. I will make sure that this won't happen again" Taehyung took the napkin out of his suit pocket and went towards y/n to help her clean up.

"It won't work. I should change my clothes. Is it possible to find a clothing store nearby?" y/n felt so uncomfortable in this mess.

"Yes, there are a few clothing stores down here. If you don't mind, I can help you find them" he took Yeontan from y/n's arms to let her fix her look for a bit. It was ages since he held this dog in his arms. This dog was a love symbol between him and his past lover.

"It would be nice of you" y/n slightly smiled at the man.

"Let's go"

<a moment later>

"Is this shop for your liking? Do you see anything nice for your eye?" Taehyung took y/n to a brand new clothing store near his father's business office. It's been a few years since he got a chance to go shopping with y/n, so he was not sure what kind of clothes are great for her.

"It's fine. I can find something worth money here" y/n went to search for a new outfit.

"I will wait for you here" Taehyung took a set on the couch which was standing in the middle of the store. He put Yeontan next to himself and brushed off dirt from his fur.

His eyes were stuck on y/n when she was searching for clothes all around the place. He knew it was sick of him wanting her back after all this time, but he couldn't control himself. "I will just look at her. Only look at her" he comforted himself.

"I'll be back in a few minutes" y/n took clothes she found nice and went to the dressing room to try them on.

"Oh, alright" Taehyung came back to his senses, when y/n was no longer in front of him. It was impossible to stay unaffected by her when she was running around. But again, he needed to stop himself. She has a boyfriend, family, business and sickness too. He can't play with her health no more.

"Does it look good on me?" the curtains of the dressing room opened up to show the most eye-cathing woman with a new look.

"I know it doesn't look that great how my original outfit looked like, but it's the best I could find" y/n looked at her reflection in the mirror.

"You look amazing..."

"Hm?" she turned to the man, who stud up after seeing her in a red velvet dress which has a sharp cut at the chest and ends above the knees.

"Oh, I mean it's fine" Taehyung coughed while hiding his pink cheeks with his palm.

"I will buy this" she went to pay for her dress at the checkout, but Taehyung stopped her when she was about to give her credit card to the cashier.

"Let me pay"

"Why would you do that?" y/n gave a confused look at him.

"It's my secretary who ruined your outfit, so I'll pay for this to minimize losses for you" Taehyung gave his credit card to the worker and paid for y/n's new dress.

"Can we go down to business now?" he asked.

"Sure. That's why I came to your office" she smiled.

<at Taehyung's office>

"I'm really curious to know why you decided to work with me and my dirty business when you have this full of money office?" y/n crossed her legs to be more comfortable sitting in front of her colleague in his office.

"You want to know why I invested in your drugs?" Taehyung asked.


"You should learn more about your future business partners before handshaking with them" Taehyung smirked and leaned his back on his chair.

"Drugs. It's not a new money making experience. I had a drug business before you even got your hands dirty"

"What do you mean?"

"Buying drugs from you is kind of a safe way to extend my hobby" Taehyung's so good at answering a question without actually doing that.

"Are you a drug addict? Is this why you buy them from me?" y/n feels a little betrayed by the information she just got to learn.

"What? No, I'm not. I would tell you more about my reason, but some things need to be secret"

"A secret... What if I told you that I don't like secrets? Hm?" y/n leaned on Taehyung's desk to come closer to her target.

"I need to know every detail about my partner's plans" she was too curious to stop asking him when he said so.

"I promise, I will let you know my secret when you'll be ready for that" Taehyung was still going strong with keeping his secret to himself.

"Are you sure?" she whispered.

"I'm -" Taehyung was cut off by y/n's phone ringing. It was a call from someone.

"Sorry, I need to pick up" she took her phone and left Taehyung's office room.

"Hello" y/n took the call.


"Yes, it's me"

"I have something to tell you"

"What? Who are you?"

"There's something that you need to know about Kim Taehyung and your brother..."


Hey, guys! I've been missing for a long time and haven't updated this fanfic for a second because of some personal reasons. I'm not really back here to write, but I hope that I'll be able to update you with this fanfic more often.
Also, don't mind if some mistakes is going on with a plot of this story. I probably forgot some parts of this fanfic while being on a break from writing it. I will fix them in the future!

Thank you for reading this story and supporting me and my fanfics<3

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