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I walked with my sister towards our fencing class, I don't hold much desire for fencing, however, it is mandatory. We walked in through people fighting, them stopping as we did do. Wednesday was wearing an all-black fencing outfit, fitting for a sister as dramatic as mine. I on the other hand was wearing the typical white outfit. Wednesday had her hair in the typical braids while I had my hair down. As we were approaching the coach, a masked student fell to the ground completely on their own. Either they want attention on them, or they really don't want to be fencing the other person. "Coach, Coach, she tripped me." The mystery person said as they took off their mask, revealing a scrawny-looking boy. "It was a clean strike, Rowan." The coach said as he rolled his eyes. "Maybe if you whined less and practised more, you wouldn't suck. Seriously, Coach, when am I gonna get real competition? Anyone else want to challenge me?" the other masked fencer said as they pulled off their mask revealing Bianca Barkley. Suddenly Wednesday spoke up. "I do." I rolled my eyes at my sister; I have never really been into fencing as well Wednesday is the more competitive sister and always beat me. "Oh, you must be the psychopath they let in," Bianca said turning to my sister completely ignoring me like I mean, I've got to give it to her, Wednesday does stick out like a sore thumb. "You must be the self-appointed Queen Bee. Interesting thing about bees. Pull out their stingers, they drop dead." Wednesday responded which causes the whole class to 'ooh' at her snarky comment, I simply just rolled my eyes. "Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defence. He's not helpless, he's lazy." Bianca snapped back. "Are we doing this or not?" Wednesday asked, both stepping onto the mat. "En garde." The coach said as the two began their battle to victory.

I felt a presence to my left, causing me to turn to see Xavier standing beside me. "So, is she any good to beat Bianca?" Xavier asked. "Well, she always beats me, not sure about any other competition though" you replied to Xavier. "Point to Wednesday." The coach announced as the two instantly began fighting again. "I've never held any interest in the sport, I'm more of a sit-down and draw kind of person" I muttered to Xavier. "Your good at it though," Xavier said to me as we continued watching the match. "Thanks, no one has ever complimented my drawing before," I said as I looked at Xavier and gave him a smile which he returned. Suddenly Bianca got a point. "The score is even," Coach announced as both girls took off their masks. "That first point was clearly beginner's luck." Bianca snapped, which caused me to roll my eyes. "Let's finish this. For the final point, I would like to invoke a military challenge. No masks. No tips." Wednesday responded. "Great, we're doing this again" I rolled my eyes. "What do you mean" Xavier turned to me and asked. "That is how I got this" I replied pulling down my collar to reveal half a scar that ran across my collarbone. "Wednesday proposed the 'military challenge' when we were 12. I had 12 stitches because she sliced that deep" I said to Xavier. "Winner draws first blood." Wednesday finished. "It's your decision, Bianca." The coach said as he had no arguments against it. "Let's see if you bleed in black and white," Bianca said as she dropped her mask. This caused Wednesday to drop her mask also. "I'd take a step back if I were you. Wednesday takes this stuff very seriously" I said to Xavier as I stepped back myself. Him following soon after. We both watched the match closely as the swords swung in every direction. Suddenly Bianca managed to slice through Wednesday's forehead, leaving a slight gash, with blood slowly trickling from it. "Your face finally got that splash of colour it so desperately needed," Bianca said as she smirked, great, now I'm not going to hear the end of this.

I was currently standing outside the door of the infirmary waiting for Wednesday to finish getting patched up. Suddenly Wednesday walked out and we were heading back towards our dorm when it started to rain. Who puts an infirmary outside anyway. Wednesday put up the umbrella protecting us both from the rain. As we were about to walk back into the main hallway of the school, we heard the grinding of stone which caused us both to look up to see the gargoyle statue rocking back and forth. Both of us standing in shock, feet not taken anywhere as the gargoyle started to fall, were suddenly pushed out of the way by someone, I instantly passed out, however before I did, I heard a voice that I have become familiar with over my few days of being here. "Chloe!"

Shadow (Xavier Thorpe)Where stories live. Discover now