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I was in current darkness with my hands being tied behind my back with a rope, that wasn't tied very tight in the first place. Suddenly the sack was removed from my head, and I saw masked figures standing in front of me, wearing purple cloaks with their hoods up. I instantly rolled my eyes as I recognised it to be Bianca. "Who dares breach our inner sanctum?" Bianca said which caused me to roll my eyes once more, does she really think we're stupid? "You can take the mask off, Bianca," Wednesday said as she also rolled her eyes. Everyone in the group took off their masked revealing Ajax and Yoko to name a few. "Wait, I preferred you with it on," I spoke up causing the girl to glare at me. Well, that's how to get under someone's skin. "How did you get down here?" Xavier spoke up causing me to notice him for the first time since they revealed me back into the dimly light library. I instantly got butterflies from the boy. "Rowan showed us. Left pocket. I tracked the watermark to the Poe statue. Then we solved the riddle." Wednesday said explaining how we managed to get in. "Wait, there's a riddle? I thought we just snapped twice." Kent said as he was utterly clueless. "Well, aren't you the brightest in the bunch?" I scoffed at the boy and rolled my eyes. "The Nightshades are an elite social club. Emphasis on elite." Bianca said as I just stared at her with a blank face. "We have roof parties, campouts, and the occasional midnight skinny dip," Yoko said as I glanced at Xavier with my eyebrow raised. He simply shook his head no meaning that he didn't go for the midnight skinny dips. "And Yoko's an amateur mixologist." Divina said. "She makes a killer virgin mojito. It can get pretty wild." Ajax smiled as I glanced at my other friend. "Wow. Do you guys even have a bedtime? Last I heard, the Nightshades had been disbanded." Wednesday said as she clearly wanted more answers. "Yeah, the group kind of lost its charter 30 years ago after some normie kid died," Xavier explained. "But we have a lot of wealthy alumni, so Weems looks the other way as long as nobody makes any waves," Yoko added to the conversation. "Someone like Rowan?" Wednesday asked as I rolled my eyes, her going back to her fascination about the kid's death. "We booted that loser last semester. Question is, what are we gonna do with them? Only members are allowed in this library." Bianca said as she referred to Wednesday and me. "I say we invite them to pledge. They are both legacies" Xavier said as he pointed to the picture of our parents. "After the crap they pulled in the Poe Cup, there's no way in hell. We talk about not making waves? They both are a tsunami." Bianca said as she went off into a rant. "Just because I beat you at your own game. Let me save you the trouble. I'm not interested in joining." Wednesday snapped at Bianca. "You're seriously turning us down? Yoko questioned my twin sister. "Can you believe it?" Wednesday replied sarcastically. "Untie her." Bianca ordered. "I freed myself five minutes ago," Wednesday said as she revealed the untied rope from behind her back. "I also freed myself, but it's not like anyone cares" I sighed as I also help up the rope, gaining a soft smile from Xavier.

As Wednesday walked towards the exit I stood where I was. "Do you want a matching black eye? It's amateurs like you who give kidnapping a bad name." Wednesday shouted as she left. "Although my snappy sister doesn't want to join, I on the other hand do, that's if the offer still stands," I said gaining everyone's attention. Everyone smirked at me as they gained a legacy within the nightshades.

After the joining ceremony was complete, I was gifted a purple robe and a gold masquerade mask. With that, we all left at different times to not raise suspicions. Xavier waited with me, to walk me back to my dorm.

As we left the library, Xavier turned to me. "I'm glad you joined, it means we will have more time together, however, we will have a jealous bitch on our tail," Xavier said as he was referring to Bianca. His comment caused me to laugh. "I know, if her looks could kill, I'd be dead," I said as we both walked up the stairs to Ophelia Hall. "All right well you can't come any further without being caught by Thornhill, so I guess I'll see you tomorrow for outreach day," I said as I turned to smile at the boy. "I guess I will, goodnight, Chloe," Xavier said smiling at me. "Goodnight, Xavier" I smiled back, getting butterflies as I reached up to hug the boy, and him returning the hug.

Shadow (Xavier Thorpe)Where stories live. Discover now