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"Yours is the light by which my spirit's born: - you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars."

― E.E. Cummings

Graduation day approached as multiples of students prepared themselves for the event, especially the girls.

Graduation symbolized the start of new experiences, a new future and facing the world as adults. The thought of it brought both excitement and fear.

The boy was one of them. He had finally grown fond of people's company.

Within a year, the boy who was once aloof, became one of the friendliest people to approach.

A boy who once detested people, had ironically learnt to like people.

The graduating students had specially been assigned to their respective seats. As they remained seated, the students' ears perked up in hopes of hearing their name.

The girl was seated beside Elliot while the boy was seated across her. Her eyes flickered to his direction every time, her lips pursing tightly nervously.

The girl wanted to tell him something.

Elliot suddenly gave out a loud and rowdy cheer, startling the poor dazed girl. The girl's eyes immediately diverted to the scenery in front- the stage. On the stage, there was the boy, receiving his honors from the principal. He looked extremely proud as happiness tingled in his grey eyes.

Both of them posed formally in front of the cameraman, his smile matching the brightness of the glowing sun.

The principal gave him a last firm handshake and a pat on his back before the boy proceeded to the microphone stand.

His eyes showed no sign of fear even before hundreds of people. Instead, he started his speech with his bright contagious smile, "First of all, I want to thank everyone for their immense support. Especially my classmates and my teachers. Thank you, really. If it hadn't been for all of you, I don't think I would be even standing here. To achieve something valuable like this, i-it's truly warming."

A loud roar of cheers pierced through the air, as the boy's smile grew.

As the boy stopped at the ending of his sentence, his eyes shined with unshed tears but his smile still remained, "The thought of me graduating never occurred in my mind. In my mind, it was always about escaping people. The thought of facing people scared me."

He continued, "Once it got so bad, to the point where I was willing to drop out of school. I thought that continuing school was pointless as I saw myself as a failure- someone who couldn't succeed in life. I let my fears and negativity take a toll on me for five years until I met this particularly strange person. Ironically, she became my first friend."

The boy continued to speak, his smile slightly faltering, "I never understood the meaning of friendship because I didn't have any friends to begin with. For me, it was all about 'hiding from people'. But she stayed. And while she did, I learnt plentiful from her. The art of friendship, learning to live once again and that everyone had their own monsters."

The boy took a deep breath, his vision blurring with tears, "She told me once, 'It's the things you fight and struggle with before earning that have the greatest worth'. To be able to make friends and to be able to stand in front of everyone with confidence, the struggle was truly worth it," he said, his warm voice filling the ears of the people's.

His speech finally came to a closing end, "People say that we each have a guardian angel in company with us. For me, my guardian angel is none other than her."

As he concluded his sentence, his grey eyes shifted to meet the eyes of the girl's. The electric combination of grey and brown eyes sparked off as his lips curled into a grateful smile.

Upon seeing his contagious smile, she broke into a smile. A tear trickled down her cheek; she hadn't known that she had tears in her eyes.

Thunderous claps boomed through the entire hall as people stood up in respect for the boy. His words had strung the chords of their hearts, giving tears in some people's eyes.

Sometimes a simple action could mean so much to a person. The girl handing her hand in friendship gave a shattered soul like the boy, hope. When the boy was at his lowest, she was there for him. And with such simple actions, the boy realized something that was greater than fear- friendship and love.

The end of the journey:

This is the final chapter 'befall'. It's hard to write the final chapter of the book because over a period of time, I have grown attached to this story. I want to thank everyone who has commented, voted and even read the story. I really really really appreciate each vote, comment and read. THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT!

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